
Trivia Quiz Everyday Science MCQs

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Everyday Science MCQs For  Exams Test

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Everyday Science MCQs Test Online Quiz

Everyday Science MCQs Preparations With Quiz Test

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Trivia Everyday Science Topics For PMS

Q.1: The average length of the kidney of a man is about ?

  1. 7cm to 8cm
  2. 8cm to 10 cm
  3. 10cm to 13 cm
  4. 13cm to 16cm


Q.2: Inhaled air passes through which of the following in the last ?

  1. Bronchiole
  2. Larynx
  3. Pharynx
  4. Trachea


Q.3: Which of the following is a Non Metal that remains Liquid at room temperature ?

  1. Phosphorous
  2. Bromine
  3. Chlorine
  4. Helium


Q.4: Winter Solstice means--------- ?

  1. longest night
  2. longest day
  3. smallest night
  4. smallest day


Q.5: What are Columns in Periodic table called ?

  1. Period
  2. Group
  3. Verticals
  4. Perpendiculars


Q.6: The psychological test of human emotions and personality, using inkblots, is formally known as what ?

  1. Rorschach
  2. Nervous
  3. Renal
  4. All of above


Q.7: What natural phenomena are measured by the Richter Scale ?

  1. Volcanoes
  2. Typhoons
  3. Earth quacks
  4. Tsunami


Q.8: 1 BTU(British thermal unit) is equal to-------- ?

  1. 955 joules
  2. 990 joules
  3. 1055 joules
  4. 1211 joules


Q.9: The Planet of the solar system which has Maximum number of moons is------- ?

  1. Jupiter
  2. Venus
  3. Saturn
  4. Uranus


Q.10: Japan is called ‘Land of the rising sun’ because ?

  1. Sun rises there as soon as it sets
  2. Sun always remains in the eastern past of the sky throughout the day in Japan
  3. Japan being the Eastern most country in the world, it has the earliest sunrise
  4. The rays of the sun get reflected from the waters of the sea and make the sunrise beautiful in Japan


Q.11: Largest moon in our solar system is ------- ?

  1. Deimos
  2. Ganymede
  3. Phobos
  4. Arche


Q.12: Approximate age of moon is -------- ?

  1. 4.51 billion years
  2. 4.55 billion years
  3. 4.53 billion years
  4. 4.57 billion years


Q.13: The hard, solid rocks, whose composition or texture has been changed by heat or pressure in the Earth are called------- ?

  1. Sedimentary rocks
  2. Metamorphic rocks
  3. Igneous rocks
  4. All of the above


Q.14: Which of the following is not a water soluble vitamin ?

  1. Tocopherol
  2. Pyridoxine
  3. Pantothenic acid
  4. Niacin


Q.15: One Quintal is Equal to--------- ?

  1. 70 kg
  2. 80 kg
  3. 90 kg
  4. 100 kg


Q.16: The distance b/w Earth and Moon is--------- ?

  1. 3,50,000km
  2. 3,60,100km
  3. 3,72,000km
  4. 3,84,400km


Q.17: The melting point of ice is------- ?

  1. 00C
  2. 1000C
  3. 40C
  4. -40C


Q.18: Jupiter has -------- known moons ?

  1. 62
  2. 73
  3. 79
  4. 53


Q.19: Montreal Protocol 1987 was-------- ?

  1. Treaty among nations to reduce nuclear arsenals
  2. Climate control treaty
  3. Treaty to protect ozone layer
  4. Trade policy about tarrifs


Q.20: Moon is a------- ?

  1. Star
  2. Planet
  3. A & B
  4. Satellite


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