
Competitive Exams Everyday Science Quiz Test

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Competitive Exams MCQs Quiz Test

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CSS Everyday Science MCQs Quiz Test

Everyday Science MCQs Preparations With Quiz Test

Test 1 | Test 2 | Test 3 | Test 4 | Test 5 | Test 6 | Test 7 | Test 8 | Test 9 | Test 10 | Test 11 | Test 12 | Test 13 | Test 14 | Test 15 | Test 16 | Test 17 | Test 18 | Test 19 | Test 20 | Test 21 | Test 22 | Test 23 | Test 24

Solved Question Answers Everyday Science

Q.1: Frozen dew is also known as------- ?

  1. Frost
  2. Black ice
  3. Frozen ice
  4. Black hail


Q.2: A dolphin perceives its environment by the sense of------- ?

  1. Sight
  2. Sound
  3. Both of these
  4. None of these


Q.3: Which rays are trapped in our galaxy by magnetic waves ?

  1. Alpha rays
  2. Gamma rays
  3. Cosmic rays
  4. None of these


Q.4: In Fishes excretory Product is----- ?

  1. Nitrogen
  2. Ammonia
  3. Uria
  4. Carbon dioxide


Q.5: Which one of the following is also called Stranger Gas ?

  1. Neon
  2. Argon
  3. Xenon
  4. Nitrous oxide


Q.6: In human osmoregulation takes place by-------- ?

  1. Liver
  2. Kidney
  3. Spleen
  4. Lungs


Q.7: It is observed that the total pressure exerted by air on the man of average size is around 14.7 lb wt. per square inch. But the man feels quite comfortable,. It is because of-------- ?

  1. An equal and opposite pressure acts from inside
  2. of the height of a man
  3. of gravity
  4. Earth pulls the man upward
  5. None of these


Q.8: How many moons does Uranus have ?

  1. 15
  2. 12
  3. 27
  4. 45


Q.9: What are rows in Periodic table called ?

  1. Period
  2. Group
  3. Verticals
  4. Perpendiculars


Q.10: What is the name of the biggest part of human brain ?

  1. Cerebellum
  2. Cerebrum
  3. Brainstem
  4. Pituitary


Q.11: How many time zones are there in the world ?

  1. 22
  2. 12
  3. 16
  4. 24


Q.12: What is the world’s warmest Sea ?

  1. Red Sea
  2. Mediterranean Sea
  3. Caspian Sea
  4. Arabian Sea


Q.13: Vitamin C is found in------ ?

  1. Sea Food
  2. Seeds
  3. Fruits and Vegetables
  4. None of these


Q.14: A man is standing on a weighing machine in a lift which is moving. The weighing machine will slow MINIMUM reading when, the lift is moving ?

  1. Upward with uniform speed
  2. Downward with uniform acceleration
  3. In a free fall due to failure of the lift mechanism
  4. None of these


Q.15: In an oil lamp, the oil rises up in the wick due to ?

  1. Capillary action
  2. Atmospheric pressure
  3. Viscosity of oil
  4. Change in temperature


Q.16: Air contains volume of carbon dioxide approximately ?

  1. 3%
  2. 33%
  3. 0.3%
  4. 0.03%


Q.17: The major part of natural gas, petroleum and coal consists of ?

  1. Carbon
  2. Chlorine
  3. CFC
  4. Methane


Q.18: In the electricity meter the digit to the extreme right is--------- ?

  1. 1/5th of the unit
  2. 1/100 of the unit
  3. 1/10th of the unit
  4. 1/1000th of the unit


Q.19: What amount of fats give energy of 9.3 K Calories ?

  1. 0.5 gram
  2. 1.0 gram
  3. 2.0 gram
  4. 4.1 gram


Q.20: Which blood group is universal receiver ?

  1. Group A
  2. Group B
  3. Group AB
  4. GROUP O


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