Everyday Science Quiz Preparations Online

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Helpful Jobs Quiz Test For Everyday Science Objective Type MCQs
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Everyday Science MCQs Preparations With Quiz Test

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Solved MCQs With Answers General Science MCQs

Q.1: Which metallic element is liquid at room temperature ?

  1. Zinc
  2. Nickel
  3. Lead
  4. Mercury


Q.2: Which of the following female mosquito is the cause of Dengue fever ?

  1. Aedes Aegypteis
  2. Anophilies
  3. Barinohils
  4. N.O.A


Q.3: The gravitational pull at the lunar surface is -------- of Earth ?

  1. 1/3
  2. 1/4
  3. 1/5
  4. 1/6


Q.4: The setting sun often looks oval in the shape because of--------- ?

  1. The fact that sun really becomes oval in the evening
  2. Refraction of rays of sun passing through the atmosphere
  3. Optical Illusion
  4. Dispersion


Q.5: Central Color of Rainbow is--------- ?

  1. Blue
  2. Green
  3. Red
  4. Indigo


Q.6: Who was the first to measure the earth’s radius ?

  1. Galileo
  2. Copernicus
  3. Ptolemy
  4. Eratosthenes


Q.7: The phases of the moon are partially the result of the--------- ?

  1. Changes in the shape of the moon
  2. Revolution of the moon around the earth
  3. Variations in the moon’s gravitation
  4. Variations in the speed of rotation of the moon


Q.8: Which on of the following planets orbits around the sun in a clockwise direction ?

  1. Earth
  2. Mercury
  3. Jupiter
  4. Venus


Q.9: Which of the following planets has the smallest diameters----- ?

  1. Mercury
  2. Marx
  3. Pluto
  4. Venus


Q.10: Second layer of Earth’s atmosphere is--------- ?

  1. Stratosphere
  2. Mesosphere
  3. Troposphere
  4. Thermosphere


Q.11: The variety of coal in which the deposit contains recognizable traces of the original plant material is------ ?

  1. bitumen
  2. anthracite
  3. lignite
  4. peat


Q.12: Periodontics deals with ----------- ?

  1. Surgery of spine
  2. Stomach disorders
  3. Ligaments restoration
  4. Dentistry
  5. Heart attacks


Q.13: Which of the following chemicals is not found in tobacco smoke ?

  1. Chlorine bleach
  2. Rocket fuel
  3. Nail polish remover
  4. Barbecue lighter fluid


Q.14: The gradual physiological adjustment to slowly changing new environmental conditions is known as ------------ ?

  1. Selection
  2. Introduction
  3. Acclimatization
  4. Quarantine


Q.15: The pyramid of energy in any ecosystem is -------- ?

  1. Always upright
  2. May be upright or invented
  3. Always inverted
  4. Always Circle


Q.16: The temperature at which water boils depends mainly on --------- ?

  1. Air temperature
  2. Relative humidity
  3. Air pressure
  4. Air density
  5. The specific heat of air


Q.17: An example of an abiotic component -------- ?

  1. Plants
  2. Soil
  3. Animals
  4. Bacteria


Q.18: Types of bones in human body are: Long, short, irregular and ------- ?

  1. Flat
  2. Medium
  3. Regular
  4. Rough


Q.19: Siemens is the unit of------------ ?

  1. Electrical Conductance
  2. Magnetic Conductance
  3. Electrical Capacitance
  4. Magnetic Capacitance


Q.20: Which are the largest of the white blood cells ?

  1. lymphocytes
  2. eosinophils
  3. basophils
  4. monocytes


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