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Everyday Science Quiz Questions Answers for competitive exams jobs tests. Multiple Choice General Science MCQs Included in every PPSC, FPSC Science Tests just like Physics, Chemistry, Biology type tests. Federal Public Service Commission Jobs and Interview Test Preparations On this Page For Competitive Exams.
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Everyday Science MCQs Preparations With Quiz Test
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Solved Questions Answers Everyday Science MCQs
Q.1: Places experiencing equal impact of an earthquake are called---------- ?
- Seismic lines
- Seismic built
- Seismic plates
- Seismic waves
Q.2: There are---------- kinds of Joints in human body ?
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
Q.3: At what time of day is the relative humidity normally at a minimum --------- ?
- When the air temperature is highest
- Just before sunrise
- About midnight
- When the air temperature is lowest
Q.4: Basidiospores are considered to be a major source of -------- ?
- airborne allergens
- water borne allergens
- animal faeces
- bio-weapon
Q.5: Most important effect of the moon on earth is that it---------- ?
- Causes weather change
- Causes earthquakes
- Causes solar and lunar eclipse
- Effects tides of the ocean
Q.6: Bamboo is a--------- ?
- Herb
- Grass
- Shurb
- Tree
Q.7: Segmented Worms take breath through:--------- ?
- Mouth
- Nose
- Moist Skin
- Head
Q.8: Pathology is the study of---------- ?
- Ethics
- Disease
- Future
- Cancer
Q.9: X-rays were discovered by --------- ?
- Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
- Thomson
- Ernest Rutherford
- Bacquerel
Q.10: Which one of the following is applicable to the planet ‘Venus’ ?
- Smallest
- Brightest
- Most dense
- Largest
Q.11: who invented bulb ?
- Philips
- Robert
- Edison
- Willium
Q.12: Which one of the following is not a unit of distance ?
- Parsec
- Astronomical Unit
- Light Year
- Foot Candle
Q.13: Candela is the basic unit of------------ ?
- luminous intensity
- heat producing value
- Thermodynamic temperature
- radioactive decay
Q.14: In middle latitudes, which cloud will have the lowest base ------------ ?
- Cirrostratus
- Stratocumulus
- Altocumulus
- Cirrus
Q.15: Barnacles growing on the back of whale is an example for ---------- ?
- mutualism
- parasitism
- amensalism
- commensalism
Q.16: Who discovered the Gamma Rays ?
- Alfred Marshall
- Paul Villard
- Bohar
- Jabar bin Hayan
Q.17: Fuzzy logic is a part of-------- ?
- Aristotle’s philosophy
- Computer science
- Epicurianism
- Sophism
Q.18: What is it called when the Earth is closest to the sun -------- ?
- Aphelion
- Perihelion
- Apoapsis
- Periapsis
Q.19: Which is the hardest substance in the human body ?
- Skull
- Knee cap
- Rib
- Tooth enamel
Q.20: Which statement about sound is true ?
- Sound can’t travel through glass
- Sound can’t travel through water
- Sound can’t travel through vacuum
- None Of These