Top 100 Most Repeated Letter "C" Words For Competitive Exams

 Learn online most important Words with meanings with Letter C all of these words are most important for exams and tests preparations. Learn English Grammar Prepositions, Word meanings, Synonyms with Words meaning in URDU and also in English Available here.

100 Important Words With Meanings
Top 100 Most Repeated Letter C Words For Competitive Exams

Learn Online Words Meanings In English and URDU For Competitive Exams Preparations

Sr. Words URDU Meanings English Meanings
1 cacophonous بری آواز والا having an unpleasant sound
2 cadaverous مرنے والا of or relating to a corpse
3 calamity آفت an event resulting in great loss and misfortune
4 callow ناتجربہ کار نا پختہ young and inexperienced
5 candid صاف گوئی openly straightforward and direct without secretiveness
6 capitulate تسلیم کرنا surrender under agreed conditions
7 capricious موجی determined by chance or impulse rather than by necessity
8 caricature کارٹون represent a person with comic exaggeration
9 cartographer نقشہ نگار a person who makes maps
10 castigate طعنہ دینا censure severely
11 catharsis ذہنی تناو ختم کرنا purging of emotional tensions
12 caustic تیزاب, جلانے والی دوا, کھار capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action
13 cease بند کرو put an end to a state or an activity
14 cede چھوڑنا relinquish possession or control over
15 chagrin پریشان strong feelings of embarrassment
16 charisma کرشمہ personal attractiveness that enables you to influence others
17 charlatan بہروپیا a flamboyant deceiver
18 chastise سزا scold or criticize severely
19 chimerical معنی ، تعریف ، وضاحت اور متعلقہ الفاظ produced by a wildly fanciful imagination
20 chronic دائمی long-lasting or characterized by long suffering
21 circuitous گردشی deviating from a straight course
22 circumlocution گردش an indirect way of expressing something
23 circumspect محتاط careful to consider potential consequences and avoid risk
24 clandestine خفیہ conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods
25 clemency رحم leniency and compassion shown toward offenders
26 clique گروہ an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose
27 coercion جبر using force to cause something to occur
28 cogent سمجھدار powerfully persuasive
29 cognizant جاننے والا having or showing knowledge or understanding or realization
30 colloquial بول چال characteristic of informal spoken language or conversation
31 collusion ملی بھگت secret agreement
32 colossal بھاری بھر کم so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe
33 commence شروع set in motion, cause to start
34 commiserate ہمدردی کرنا feel or express sympathy or compassion
35 commodious آرام دہ large and roomy
36 compelling مجبور capable of arousing and holding the attention
37 compensation معاوضہ something given or received as payment or reparation
38 complacent مطمئن contented to a fault with oneself or one's actions
39 compliant شکایت disposed to act in accordance with someone's wishes
40 composure سکون steadiness of mind under stress
41 compulsory لازمی required by rule
42 concede تسلیم کرنا admit or acknowledge, often reluctantly
43 conceited مغرور having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
44 concentric مرتکز having a common center
45 conciliatory مفاہمت کرنے والا making or willing to make concessions
46 concise مختصر expressing much in few words
47 conclave جلسہ گاہ a confidential or secret meeting
48 concord اتفاق a harmonious state of things and of their properties
49 concurrent بیک وقت occurring or operating at the same time
50 condone معاف کرنا excuse, overlook, or make allowances for
51 confine محدود place limits on
52 conflagration بھڑکاؤ a very intense and uncontrolled fire
53 conflate ملاپ mix together different elements
54 confluence سنگم a place where things merge or flow together
55 conformity مطابقت correspondence in form, type, or appearance
56 confound الجھانا mistake one thing for another
57 conglomerate جماعت a group of diverse companies under common ownership
58 conjecture قیاس a hypothesis that has been formed by speculating
59 connotation مفہوم an idea that is implied or suggested
60 consensus اتفاق رائے agreement in the judgment reached by a group as a whole
61 conserve محفوظ کرنا use cautiously and frugally
62 consolation تسلی the act of giving relief in affliction
63 consolidate مضبوط کرنا bring together into a single whole or system
64 conspicuous نمایاں obvious to the eye or mind
65 consternation گھبراہٹ sudden shock or dismay that causes confusion
66 consummate مکمل having or revealing supreme mastery or skill
67 contaminate آلودہ کرنا make impure
68 contemplate غور کرنا consider as a possibility
69 contemporaneous ہم عصر occurring in the same period of time
70 contrite پچھتاوا feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses
71 contrived سازش کرنا showing effects of planning or manipulation
72 controversial متنازعہ marked by or capable of causing disagreement
73 conundrum معمہ a difficult problem
74 converse بات چیت carry on a discussion
75 convivial خوش کن occupied with or fond of the pleasures of good company
76 copious بھر پور large in number or quantity
77 cordial دوستانہ politely warm and friendly
78 correlation ارتباط a statistical relation between two or more variables
79 corroborate تصدیق کرنا support with evidence or authority or make more certain
80 countenance چہرہ the appearance conveyed by a person's face
81 coup بغاوت a sudden and decisive change of government by force
82 covert خفیہ secret or hidden
83 coveted مائشٹھیت greatly desired
84 cower ڈر سے سہم جانا show submission or fear
85 craven تڑپ lacking even the rudiments of courage; abjectly fearful
86 credence اعتبار the mental attitude that something is believable
87 credible معتبر appearing to merit belief or acceptance
88 crestfallen اداس اور مایوس۔ روح کو کم کیا brought low in spirit
89 criterion معیار the ideal in terms of which something can be judged
90 cryptic خفیہ having a secret or hidden meaning
91 culminate اختتام end, especially to reach a final or climactic stage
92 culpable مجرم deserving blame or censure as being wrong or injurious
93 cultivate فصل اگانا کاشت کاری کرنا prepare for crops
94 cultivated کاشت marked by refinement in taste and manners
95 cumbersome بوجھل difficult to handle or use because of size or weight
96 cumulative مجموعی increasing by successive addition
97 cursory سرسری hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough
98 curtail کم کرنا terminate or abbreviate before its intended or proper end
99 cyclical چکراتی recurring in a repeated sequence of events
100 cynical مذموم believing the worst of human nature and motives
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