100+ Pedagogy Test MCQs Answers for SST,PST,CT,PET,DM,TT,AT,QARI,IT-TEACHER .
Top 100+ Pedagogy MCQs With Answers for All Cadre (SST,PST,CT,PET,DM,TT,AT,QARI,IT-TEACHER from sample papers model papers past papers syllabus patern preparation online Mcqs test.
- Emotional Adjustment of students is effective in?
- Personality formation
- Classteaching
- Discipline
- All of the above
- Blackboard in which group/category of teachingaids?
- Audioaids
- Visualaids
- Audiovisual aids
- None of the above
- Which of the following is related with teaching skill?
- Blackboard writing
- Solving questions
- Asking questions
- All the above
- Students who ask questions in the class should be?
- Advised to meet the teacher after the class
- Encouraged to participate in the discussion in the class
- Encouraged to continue asking questions
- Encouraged to search answers independently
- At authoritarian level teaching?
- Teacher centered
- Childcentered
- Headmaster centered
- Experience based
- Who developed the interaction analysis category system in education for increasing the teacher effectiveness?
- Flander
- Rayon
- Amidon and Simon
- Richard Over
- One of the important theory of moral envelopment has been proposed by?
- Laurence Kohlberg
- Erik Fromm
- Daniel Coleman
- Benjamin Bloom
- Character is developed by?
- Willpower
- Conduct and behavior
- Morality
- All of the above
- Which of the following is not a level of teaching learning?
- Differentiation level
- Memory level
- Reflective level
- Understanding level
- NUEPA is mainly concerned with?
- Educational Supervision
- Educational Unity Educational Planning
- Educational Evaluation
- The name of Yashpal Committee Report (1993) is?
- C.T. in Teacher education
- Learning without Burden
- Learning through Broadcasting
- None of the above
- The Father of Psychoanalysis?
- Erik Erikson
- Jean Piaget
- Jerorne Bruner
- Sigmund Freud
- ln pedagogy computer is used?
- To motivate the learner
- To provide feedback
- To interact with the learner
- For all the above
- Which of the following is die brain of the computer>
- Programmed
- Central processing unit
- Memory
- Hard Disc
- Spare the rod — spoil the This assumption is related to that type of discipline which has been advocated?
- By naturalist philosophy
- By pragmatist philosophy
- In Victorian Era
- In Democratic Era
- The concept of school complex was first executed in?
- Uttar Pradesh
- Madhya Pradesh
- Bihar
- Rajasthan
- The proponent of the Cognitive Theory of teaching is?
- L. Gage
- Shiv Kumar
- Mitra F.
- Skiner McDonald
- Instruction medium affects the absence and escape from class teaching?
- Agreed
- Indefinite
- Disagreed
- None of the above
- The determinant of teaching skill training is?
- Components
- Pupilteacher
- Supervisor
- Headmaster
- For a good communication is ?
- Clarity of thought
- Dramatic Presentation
- Speaking in a mild tone
- Speaking without pause
- Teachers
should not have such expectations from their students as are beyond the
Development stage of the latter. If the former do so they
- Generate motivation among students to learn more
- Generate inferiority
- Generate inferiority, high levels of tension and perplexity among students
- None of these
- A good teacher is one who
- is highly intelligent
- Has mastery over his teaching subject
- Lives simple life
- Has genuine interest in his students
- A college teacher will really help the students when she
- Covers the syllabus completely in the class
- Is objective in her evaluation?
- Encourages students to ask questions
- Dictates notes in the class
- Communication will be effective
- If it is delivered in a calm situation
- If it is delivered slowly and clearly
- If it reaches the receiver completely
- If it reaches the receiver as intended by the sender
- Effective teaching is a function of
- Perfect classroom discipline
- Students selflearning
- Clear and precise communication
- Regular teaching
- Why will you ask questions from students during the course of a lecture?
- To learn which one of the students is the brightest one
- Are the students carefully listening to your lecture?
- To learn whether students are understanding (the lecture) or not
- To assists the students
- One will have more chances of being successful as a teacher, if
- He has ethical values and a good character
- He belongs to the family of teachers
- He is trained in teaching
- He can organize his teaching material systematically and conveys the same effectively.
- The objective of education is to implement all the abilities o1children to the Maximum possible This indicates that
- they should be given good opportunities and a conducive environment, which are helpful in their development to the maximum
- it is important that their character is helpful, persuasive and sympathetic
- the teacher and parents should know how able the children are, or how much capable they are
- All of these
- Which is the most sensible idea about teaching and research?
- They cannot go together
- They are two sides of the same coin
- They interfere with each other
- They are two entirely different kinds of activities
- Teaching will be effective if the teacher
- Starts from what students know already
- Is a master of the subject?
- Uses many instructional aids
- Has much experience in teaching the subject
In a lecture a teacher should present the students with examples of
- Which one of the following statements is not suitable for
- They really take interest in students
- They are capable of guiding students and maintaining discipline
- They are not interested in moulding themselves according to the new situation
- They are very much enthusiastic about such tasks as are done by teachers
- The aim of a teacher is
- To help students get through in the examination
- To make students disciplined
- To develop the abilities of students
- To develop the social behaviours among students
- Why will you ask questions from students during the course of a lecture?
- Are the students carefully listening to your lecture?
- To learn which one of the students is the brightest one
- To learn whether students are understanding (the lecture) or not
- To assists the students
- A teacher with sober thoughts, in accordance with the rules
- Allows students to, make mistakes but instructs them to reduce the number of such mistakes
- Instructs his students not to commit any mistake at any point of time
- Takes so precautions so that students never make mistakes
- give right punishment to those students who make mistakes
- If a teacher has to prove his credibility in the evaluation of answer booklets, then he should be
- Dutiful
- Very much regular
- Impartial
- Highhanded
- The lecture will be communicated more effectively if teachers read the prepared notes
- prepares good notes in advance and use them as their guides
- engage students in immediate discussions
- quote examples from other teaching sessions/lectures and engage students in
- immediate discussions
- As a teacher, what will you do if students do not attend your class?
- Blame students for their absence from the class
- Ponder over the present attitude of students in a calm manner
- Think about using some interesting techniques of teaching
- Try to understand the reasons (for this behaviour) and try to eliminate them
- Those students, who frequently ask questions in the class
- Should be advised to meet the teacher outside the classroom
- Should be encouraged to take part in debates in the class
- Should be encouraged to find out the answers on their own
- Should be encouraged to ask questions on a continuous basis
- Teachers
should not have such expectations from their students as are beyond the
development stage of the latter. If the former do so they
- Generate inferiority
- Generate inferiority, high levels of tension and perplexity among students
- Generate motivation among students to learn more
- None of these
- The objective of education is to implement all the abilities o1children to the maximum possible This indicates that
- The teacher and parents should know how able the children are, or how much capable they are
- They should be given good opportunities and a conducive environment, which are helpful in their development to the maximum
- It is important that their character is helpful, persuasive and sympathetic
- All of these,
- Which is “feedback” in the newspaper’s communication?
- Articles
- Editorials
- Letters to the Editor
- News
- Which of the following steps would you consider first for an effective communication?
- Select the channel of communication
- Plan the evaluation procedure
- Specify the objectives of communication
- Identify various media for communication
- Books can be powerful source of communication, provided Ctent is abstract
- Cntent is illustrative
- Medium is Hindi
- Content is presented through good print
- None of theme
- To make classroom teaching more effective every teacher should discuss with colleagues
- Analyze responses of students
- Keep him/herself abreast of development in the area in his/her subject
- Publish his/her writings
- None of theme
- Meaningful learning takes place when
- Students are interested in the topics taught
- Explanations are given within the reach of the students
- The new content being taught is related to the previous knowledge of the students
- Students raise questions and get them clarified
- A teacher is effective if he/she
- Explains everything in the class
- Repeats explanations for each student
- Provides a variety of learning experiences
- Answers all questions raised by students
- Majority of students in a large class are found dozing. There may be something wrong with
- The students concerned
- The teaching process
- The content taught
- The time of inst
- Generalizability of a new teaching method can be tested through research across
- Different teachers
- Different subjects
- Different levels/grades
- All the above
- Good teaching is best reflected by
- Attendance of students
- Number of distinctions
- Meaningful questions asked by students
- Pindrop silence in the class
- The main aim of classroom teaching is
- To give information
- To develop inquiring mind
- To develop personality of students
- To help students pass examinations
- Whose statement was “Guidance is the direct relation with a person in whom he is taught to adjust with “?
- Machdonial
- John Locke
- Rousseau
- Thorndike
- Mother is the academy of a
- Social
- Natural
- Optional
- First
- In America during World War I , the testing of the intelligence of individuals began in
- Experience
- As a whole
- Combinations
- Groups
- Which test represents the tests of abstract intelligence?
- Language
- Percentage
- Leadership
- Measurement
- In 1854, which philosopher set up laboratory to measure human characteristics?
- J. O’Connor
- John Dewey
- Galton
- Woodworth
- To read the lesson before teaching it is called
- Measurement
- Teaching practice
- Preparation
- Lesson plan
- Society, Family, Radio and Television are the main of informal
- Centre
- Source
- Material
- None of these
- The first BinetSimon test appeared with revisions in 1908 and
- Realistic Education system supports the
- Natural
- Social
- Scientific
- Technical
- An attitude of fairminded appreciation of its value can be obtained through a consideration of mental
- Evaluation
- Behavior
- Measurement
- Consideration
- An assessment that is generally carried out throughout a course is ?
- Diagnostic assessment
- Formative assessment
- Summative assessment
- Contemporary assessment
- Which from the following is NOT an informal ?
- Assignment
- Observation
- Rating scales
- Discussion
- The use of technology to enhance learning process is called in ?
- IT
- Information technology
- Communication technology
- An assessment that measures a student’s current knowledge for the purpose of assigning a suitable course is ?
- Diagnostic assessment
- Formative assessment
- Summative assessment
- Contemporary assessment
- According to John Dewey, the teacher should guide students the way of the knowledge as a in learning ?
- facilitator
- guider
- philosopher
- partner
- The philosopher who worked in mathematical and scientific didactics was/?
- Jean Piaget
- John Dewey
- Martin Wagenschein
- Lev Vygotsky
- An assessment that is generally carried out at the end of a course to assign students a course grade is ?
- Diagnostic assessment
- Formative assessment
- Summative assessment
- Contemporary assessment
- Which from the following is NOT a formal ?
- Assignment
- Paper
- Quiz
- Discussion
- An assessment is if it consistently achieves the same results with the same ?
- Valid
- Invalid
- Reliable
- Unreliable
- A/An assessment is one which measures what it is intended to ?
- Valid
- Invalid
- Reliable
- Unreliable
- Realistic Education system supports the___________ ?
- Natural
- Social
- Scientific
- Technical
- To read the lesson before teaching it is ?
- Measurement
- Teaching practice
- Preparation
- Lesson plan
- Whose statement was “Guidance is the direct relation with a person in whom he is taught to adjust with ?
- Machdonial
- John Locke
- Rousseau
- Thorndike
- Mother is the__________ academy of a ?
- Social
- Natural
- Optional
- First
- In America during World War I , the testing of the intelligence of individuals began ?
- Experience
- As a whole
- Combinations
- Groups
- Which test represents the tests of abstract ?
- Language
- Percentage
- Leadership
- Measurement
- In 1854, which philosopher set up laboratory to measure human ?
- J. O’Connor
- John Dewey
- Galton
- Woodworth
- Society, Family, Radio and Television are the main__________ of informal ?
- Centre
- Source
- Material
- None of these
- An attitude of fairminded appreciation of its value can be obtained through a consideration of mental.?
- Evaluation
- Behavior
- Measurement
- Consideration
- The first BinetSimon test appeared with revisions in 1908 ? A. 1911
- 1912
- 1913
- 1914
- At the time of partition in 1947, there were universities in ?
- 2
- 5
- 4
- 3
- In our schools and colleges, evaluation of individual readiness for further learning is becoming a ?
- Practice
- Problem
- Procedure
- Agenda
- President of Pakistan is the in case of Federal ?
- Administrator
- Rector
- Incharge
- Chancellor
- A quantitative description of experienced data is a ?
- Particularly
- Simply
- Individually
- None of these
- At the time of partition in 1947, there were colleges in ?
- 40
- 45
- 50
- 55
- Community health agencies should recognize the importance of the aspect of ?
- Learning
- Virtual
- Physical
- Healthy
- A nervous or shy child cannot obtain the benefit from his ?
- Personal
- Social
- Learning
- None of these
- Learning to read is a ?
- Activity
- Procedure
- Phenomenon
- Behavior
- The obtaining of thought from the written material can be possible through ?
- Planning
- Practice
- Reading
- Learning
- ViceChancellor shall preside at the of the university in the absence of the ?
- Result
- Convocation
- Annual day
- Meeting
- The basic purpose of supervision is ?
- Teachers in improving methods
- Teacher in understanding pupil
- Teacher inb dealing puplis
- Children learn more effectively
- The school policy should be determined ?
- The professional educators
- Citizens and educators
- Headmasters
- Citizens
- The chief Responsibility of the Principal ?
- Organize and administer the guidance programmed
- Provide leadership in instructional plan
- Maintain school records
- Handle discipline problem
- The elementary school teacher are directly responsible to ?
- Headmaster
- Parents
- Student
- The criticism most frequently leveled at school administrators is ?
- They like praise
- They are lazy
- They fail to proved leadership
- None of these
- The school headmaster are expected ?
- Hold daily meetings
- Prepare budget
- Put into operation the course of study
- All of the above
- The main purpose of the supervision of teaching should be ?
- Advancement of pupil welfare
- Proper utilization of school facilities
- Carrying out of the curriculum
- None of these
- Supervision should be ?
- Preventive and critical
- Preventive and corrective
- Constructive and creative
- None of these
- A supervisor is one ?
- Inspects classrooms
- Gives directions
- Criticizes the teaching method
- Provides friendly help
- The effective supervision is indicated ?
- Good relations between teacher and supervisors
- Helping teachers in their teaching
- Helping teacher becoming more self sufficient
- Criticizing teacher’s lessons