Best Diploma Courses After Matric for Arts and Science Students

Diploma Courses After Matric

Medical Diploma Courses After Matric

Diploma of Nursing

Definition: According to Wikipedia Nursing is a profession in the health sector that focuses on the health of people and help them to regain and maintain their optimal health so that they can live their life to the fullest.

Nurses work with physicians, surgeons, therapists, and other members of the team involved in the treatment of the patient.

According to my, Nursing will the best diploma course for girls after matric if you want to get into the medical field.

After completing a Diploma in Nursing you can either work in the private or public sector or you can get admission in BS HONS. Nursing. It's up to you want you want to do. After that, you can do specialization in any specific subject in nursing.


 Scope of Nursing is in both Private and Government Sectors.


Following are some departments where you can work after nursing:

  1. Private and government hospitals
  2. Physician clinics
  3. Clinics
  4. NGO’s
  5. Insurance companies
  6. Universities 
  7. Job Growth:

According to research, the job growth in nursing is expected to increase by 7% from 2019 to 2029 which is much better than the other professions.

Salary: 33000 t0 95000 depends upon education and expertise.

The trend of Nursing in Pakistan is Good

You can also make your clinic and offer your services privately.

Diploma of Pharmacy

Pharmacy is the combination of medical science with chemistry. It is a type of clinical science that associates medical science with chemistry and is the practice of preparation and dispensing of medical drugs

After completing your diploma in pharmacy you can either work or continue your study in BS Hons Pharmacy or D-Pharmacy.


Scope of Pharmacy is in both the Private and Government Sectors. But most of the pharmacy jobs are in the Private sector.


Following are some departments where you can work after nursing:

  1. Private and government hospitals
  2. Physicians clinics
  3. Pharmacy stores
  4. NGO’s
  5. Pharmacy companies
  6. Sales representative in Pharmacy companies

You can also start your own medical store or pharmacy.

Job Growth:

It is expected to increase by 7.4% by 2026 which is good.

Salary: 49000 to 160000 depends upon education and expertise. Provided that you should have a bachelor's degree in pharmacy.

The trend in Pakistan: Good

 Diploma of Physiotherapy

Physical therapy which is also well known as physiotherapy is one of the best allied health professions which deal with the treatment of injuries or diseases by using physical methods such as exercise or heat treatment instead of using drugs.

After completing your diploma in physiotherapy I recommend you to get admission in BS HONS Physiotherapy or Dpt. You can also work after completing your short course in physiotherapy.

As far as the scope of physiotherapy concerned there is more scope for physical therapy in the private sector.

There are many departments where you can work as a physiotherapist.

  • Govt and private hospitals
  • Private clinics
  • Physician clinics
  • You can also set up your own clinic and serve people.
  • NGOs
  • International airlines

And many more

Job growth is Good

Salary: 70000 to 219000 but with a bachelor degree

Trend:  Very good

Diploma of Food and Nutrition

It is one of the fields in health sciences I like the most because I have been also a student of human nutrition and Dietitics.

Nutrition is the science that defines the nutrients in the foods and their relation with the growth reproduction, maintaining health and diseases of individuals. It also includes ingestion,digestion,absorption,excretion,anabolism,catabolism, biosynthesis and assimilation.

After completing your diploma in Food Science and Nutrition I recommend you to get admission in Bs Hons Human nutrition and dietetics Otherwise, you can also work as a nutritionist.

Unfortunately there no more scope for nutrition in the government sector in Pakistan. But there are more opportunities for you you just need to explore them.

You can work as a nutritionist in physician clinics, private hospitals, NGOs, international airlines or you can also start your own consulting business.

You can also become a fitness trainer and charge people to train them. Being a nutritionist, you can also prepare diet plans and sell them worldwide

Believe me, there is Good scope in Nutrition especially in today's world.

Job Growth:

 It is expected an increase of 8% in nutritionist jobs by 2029


50000 to 100000 depends upon education and experience



Diploma of Homeopathic 

Diploma of Medical Imaging Technology

Medical imaging technology deals with the use of technology and processes for the diagnosis of different diseases and the treatment of individuals. It also uses other technologies such as X-ray radiography and MRI.

After completing your diploma in Medical imaging technology you can do bs Hons Medical imaging technology. That will open the door to more opportunities for you.

AS a said before you can work or continue your study after completing the course in medical imaging technology

The scope of medical imaging technology is both in the government sector and private sector but there are more opportunities for you in the private sector.

There are many departments where you can work as a medical imaging technologist

  • Government and private hospitals
  • Physician clinics
  • Medical laboratories
  • And many more
Job Growth

It is expected to grow 7% from 2019 to 2029


31000 to 98000 depends upon education level and expertise



Diploma of Medical Laboratory Technology

Medical laboratory technology is a profession that associates the challenges of medical science with laboratory technology. A medical lab technologist performs complex tests and analyzes their results with accuracy by using technology and his/her critical thinking skills.

After completing your diploma in medical laboratory technology you can either start a job or continue your study by taking admission in BS HONS Medical laboratory technology

The scope of medical laboratory technology is both in the government and private sector but as I always say there are more jobs in private sectors for medical laboratory technologists.

There are numerous departments where you can work as a medical laboratory technologist such as

  • Government and private hospitals
  • Physician clinics
  • Medical laboratories
  • Pakistan atomic energy commission

You can also start your own medical laboratory which will be much better than all the above according to me. I may be wrong but I think business is business.

Job Growth

It will increase by7% from 2019 to 2029


23000 to 81000 depends upon education level and expertise



Diploma of Optometry

Optometry is a profession in health science that includes the examination of the eyes and the application of visual systems for defects and abnormalities. It also includes the treatment of some eye diseases. Doctors of optometry also provide the best solutions for reflective errors by prescribing the best glasses and lenses.

According to my, it is also a good profession in which you can work by completing your diploma in optometry. After completing this diploma you can also do bs Hons optometry for better future opportunities.

There are many departments where you can work as a doctor of optometry such as

  • Government and private hospitals
  • Eye specialist clinic
  • Medical labs

You can also start your clinic after completing Bs Hons in Optometry.

Job Growth:

It will increase by 4% from 2019 t0 2029


30000 to 100000 rs



Diploma of Renal Dialysis Technology

Dialysis technologists operate and keep track of dialysis machinery which is used to remove the waste material such as urea and fluid from the patient whose kidneys are defective. He also prepares dialysis reports upon which patient-physician take decision about what to do next.

After completing a diploma in renal dialysis technology you can do bs Hons in dialysis technology.

There are many departments where you can work as a dialysis technician such as

  • Government and private hospitals
  • Private medical clinics
  • Medial labs
  • Dialysis centers

You can also start your own dialysis center which is a good choice.

Job Growth

no data found


20000 to 50000 depends upon education


not Good

Accident and emergency

Accident and emergency is a department of the hospital that deals with emergency ward patients.  It is their responsibility to treat seriously injured patients or patients with suddenly serious illnesses.

After completing this diploma anyone can start a job in

  • Government and private hospitals
  • Medical clinics
  • Rescue 1122


25000 to 45000 

Diploma of Acupuncture Technician

Acupuncture technicians treat the patient by using the techniques of needling. They insert needles in different parts of the body with a strategy that helps the patient and gives him/her relief.

As an acupuncture technician, you can work in government and private hospitals, clinics, or you can also start your own business,

 Diploma of Anaesthesia Assistant in Pakistan

Anaesthesia Assistant assists the anesthesiologist. During the surgery and is well trained. There is high demand for these professionals these days.

 Diploma of Anaesthesia Technician in Pakistan

Anaesthesia Technician is a professional in allied health care who has knowledge of anesthesia technology, instruments, and techniques and works under the anesthesia technologist.

Diploma of Anaesthesiology in Pakistan

Discipline in medicine which deals with the study of anesthesia and anesthetics which includes Propirate care of patient before and after the surgery.

Diploma of Anesthesia Technology

Diploma of Audiology in Pakistan

This discipline of medical science deals with the sense of hearing and related problems as well as techniques.

Diploma of Blood Bank Technician in Pakistan

Diploma of Cardiology in Pakistan

Cardiology is a discipline of medical science that deals with the study of diagnosis and treatment of different diseases of blood vessels, heart, and circulatory system.

Diploma of Certified Nursing Assistant in Pakistan

Certified Nursing Assistant works under the certified nurse and provides care to patients.

 Diploma of Child Health in Pakistan

Diploma of Clinical Assistant in Pakistan

The clinical Assistant works with the physician and provides assistant to him in providing care to the patient.

 Diploma of Community Midwifery in Pakistan

Midwifery is a discipline in allied health science in which professional women provide care to women in pregnancy, childbirth, and after.

Diploma of Critical Care Sciences in Pakistan

Provides care to patients who are critically ill.

Diploma of Dental Assistant in Pakistan

They provide assistance to dental operators during dental treatment and surgery.

Diploma of Dental Hygienist in Pakistan

A dental hygienist is a licensed professional with a registered dental association. 

Certificate Dental Laboratory Assistant in Pakistan

Diploma of Dental Laboratory Technician in Pakistan

Works with the senior dentist  to prepare corrective devices and prostheses for patients

Diploma of Dental Surgeon Assistant in Pakistan

Works with an oral surgeon and assists him to perform dental procedures such as X-ray examination.

Diploma of Dental Technology in Pakistan

Diploma of Dialysis Technology in Pakistan

Diploma of Dispenser in Pakistan


Diploma of Dispensing Optician in Pakistan

A certified person for prescribing as well as to make contact lenses and glasses for patient eyesight.


Diploma of E.C.G. Technician in Pakistan

They measure the electrical activities of the heart by using different equipment. These graphs are then used by physicians to diagnose the problem.

 Diploma of Eastern Medicine & Surgery in Pakistan

 Diploma of Emergency Medical Technician/Dispenser in Pakistan

Emergency Medical Technician is an allied health professional that mostly works in ambulances and provides emergency medical services.

 Diploma of Endoscopy in Pakistan

Endoscopy is a branch of science in which different instruments are introduced inside the human body to view its internal parts.

Diploma of Eye Technician in Pakistan

Diploma of Family Planning in Pakistan

Family Planning is the practice of controlling the number of children and the gap between their birth

Diploma of Family health welfare in Pakistan

Diploma of Female Medical Technician in Pakistan

Diploma of Gastroenterology in Pakistan

Gastroenterology is a discipline in medicine that deals with the study and cure of different disorders and diseases.

Diploma of Gastroenterology Technology in Pakistan 


Diploma of General Nursing in Pakistan

General Nurses provide basic care to a patient such as dressing and bathing.

Diploma of Gynaecology in Pakistan

Gynecology is a branch of medical science deals with the health of the reproductive system of women

 Diploma of Health in Pakistan

In the diploma of health sciences, you study all the basic knowledge about health including all possible techniques and procedures.

Diploma of Health Technology in Pakistan

Health Technology is defined as the application of knowledge and skills in the form of procedures, medicines, vaccines, and devices to improve the quality of life and to solve a health problem by the world health organization.

Diploma of Hijamah in Pakistan

In hijamah skin, a professional cut the skin at a different section and draw the dead blood cells in the form of blood with a suction cup

Diploma of Hospital Administration in Pakistan

Hospital Administration is a discipline that deals with the study of hospital management. It develops leadership and administrative skills in person so that he or she can manage the staff easily.

Diploma of I. C. U. Technician in Pakistan

Diploma of Imaging Technician in Pakistan

Imaging Technician uses different techniques of radiography such as different rays which may be X-rays or gamma rays for the diagnosis and treatment of defects and diseases

Diploma of Laboratory Assistant in Pakistan

Laboratory Assistant assists technologists and senior scientists in the lab during in testing of samples and diagnosis of diseases. They are also aware of different laboratory techniques.

Diploma of Laboratory Technician in Pakistan

Laboratory Technician works in medical labs under the supervision of technologists or pathologists and assists them in their work.

Diploma of Lady Health Visitor in Pakistan

Lady Health Visitors are those to which training about child health, and nursing is provided so that they can perform their services to individuals in rural and urban areas.

Diploma of Licensed Practical Nursing

Licensed Practical Nursing provides advanced care to patients and works under the direction of a doctor.

Diploma of Massage Therapy in Pakistan

Massage Therapy is the use of different massage techniques the relieve body pain and stress

Diploma of Midwifery in Pakistan

Midwifery is a profession of health science that deals with the study of women's health during pregnancy. In short, they assist women in childbirth.

Diploma of Mother & Child Health Technology in Pakistan

In this diploma, you will study the health care of the mother during pregnancy and the child during infancy.

Diploma of Nephrology in Pakistan

Nephrology is the discipline in medical science that deals with the study of structure, function, and diseases of kidneys.

Diploma of Neuro Physiology Technology in Pakistan

Neuro Physiology Technology is the discipline in medical science that studies of the nervous system such as nerves.

 Diploma of NICU Technician in Pakistan

NICU Technician assists the licensed nurse and provides care to patients as members of the neonatal team in the ICU.

 Diploma of Nursing Assistant in Pakistan

A nursing assistant is one who provides assistance to certified nurses and has basic training in health care.

Diploma in Generic Nursing

Generic Nursing associates with those nursing students who have no background in nursing.

Diploma of Nutrition in Pakistan

 Nutrition is the process of obtaining the necessary food nutrients for good health and optimal growth.

Diploma of Obstetrics & Gynaecology in Pakistan.

Obstetrics & Gynaecology is the profession in health science which is actually the combination of obstetrics that deals with childbirth, pregnancy, and gynecology which deals with the study of the female reproductive systems such as ovaries, vaginas, uterus, and breasts. It usually abbreviated as O&G.

Diploma of Occupational Health in Pakistan

Occupational Health is a discipline in health science that works for the safety and well-being of employees in a company or workplace.

Diploma of Oncology in Pakistan

Oncology is the discipline in medicine that deals with the study, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of tumors.

 Diploma of Oncology Nursing in Pakistan

Oncology Nurse provides care to cancer patients.

Diploma of Operation Theater Technology in Pakistan

Operation Theater Technologist is a profession in allied health sciences that make sure that all the equipment for surgery are as secure as possible

Diploma of Operation Theatre Assistant in Pakistan

Operation Theatre Assistant provides assistant to the surgeon by preparing operation theatre, positioning patients, and technical assistance for surgery.

Diploma of Operation Theatre Sciences in Pakistan

A room that is designed for the surgical operations of patients safely is called operation theatre and the branch of medical science which deals with the study of operation theatre is called operation theatre technology or science

Diploma of Operation Theatre Technician in Pakistan

Operation Theatre Technician helps in the preparation of operating rooms for surgery. They also transport patients from and to the wards and theatre. As well as they arrange different surgical instruments and position patients for anesthetic and surgical treatment.

Diploma of Ophthalmic Nursing Assistant in Pakistan

Ophthalmic Nursing Assistant provides eye-related services and in this way, they provide assistance to nurse.

Diploma of Ophthalmic Technician in Pakistan

The ophthalmic Technician works with an ophthalmologist and assists him by providing care in eye-related medical tasks to patients.

 Diploma of Ophthalmology in Pakistan

Ophthalmology is the branch of medicine that deals with the study and cure of eye disorders and diseases.

Diploma of Orthopedic Technician in Pakistan

An orthopedic technician performs their duties under the supervision of an orthopedic surgeon. They assist in applying and removing casts, operating room, and support duties.

Diploma of Orthoptics in Pakistan

Orthoptics is a profession in allied health sciences that is involved in the diagnosis and treatment of eye movement disorders.

Diploma of Otorhinolaryngology in Pakistan

Otorhinolaryngology is a discipline in medicine that deals with the study of the head and neck sections including the ear, nose, and throat. Doctors who are specialists in Otorhinolaryngology are called otorhinolaryngologists.

Diploma of Paediatric in Pakistan

Paediatric is the discipline in medical science that involves providing medical and health care to infants, children, and adolescents

Diploma of Pathology in Pakistan

Pathology is the branch of biology which deals with the study of different microorganisms which are involved in causing different types of disease in living organisms.

Diploma of Pathology Technician in Pakistan.

The pathology technician uses microscopes and other lab equipment for the examination of patient blood, urine, or saliva sample and assists the pathologist.

 Diploma of Patient Care Technician in Pakistan

Patient care technician is a profession in allied health sciences that provides care to patients under the supervision of doctor.

Diploma of Pediatric Nursing in Pakistan

Pediatric nursing is a profession in health science that deals with children's health. They provide health from infancy to teenage years to children.

 Diploma of Pedicure Technician in Pakistan

Pedicure technicians usually work in salons where they provide different types of treatments related to the caring of hands and feet such as trimming, cleaning, and polishing.

Diploma of Pharmacy Assistant in Pakistan

Pharmacy assistant works under the licensed pharmacist and perform pharmacy-related functions.

 Diploma of Pharmacy Technician in Pakistan

Pharmacy technician performs pharmacy-related functions under the supervision of a certified pharmacist.

Diploma of Physiotherapy Technician in Pakistan

 Diploma of Prosthetics in Pakistan

Prosthetic technicians are professionals in allied health sciences who use modern technology such as computerize equipment to create, design, and customize prosthetic limbs using different types of material such as wood or metal for patients

 Diploma of Psychiatric Nursing in Pakistan

Psychiatric nursing is a very professional level position that is appointed to a nurse who specializes in mental health.

Diploma of Psychiatry in Pakistan

A psychiatric technician is an allied health professional who works under the supervision of a psychiatrist to treat the mental health problems of patients.

Diploma of Public Health in Pakistan

Public health is the branch of medical science deals with public health including disease prevention and hygiene.

Diploma of Pulmonology in Pakistan

Pulmonology is a medical science that deals with the study of diseases related to the respiratory tract.

 Diploma of Pulmonology Technology in Pakistan

Pulmonary function technologist involves in running testing on the patient which is suspected to have respiratory disorders such as lung cancer, Asthma, or any other lung disease.

Diploma of Radiographer in Pakistan

Radiographers which are also known as radiation technologists specialize in the imaging of human body internal parts for diagnosis and treatment purposes

Diploma of Radiographic & Imaging Technology in Pakistan

Radiography is a magnetic imaging technique which uses different types of radiations such as X-rays, Gama Rays, or similar type of radiations to see the internal part of an object. These rays pass through an object and captured by a detector which may be a photographic film and produce an image of the internal part of an object.

Diploma of Radiologic Technology in Pakistan

Radiologic technology is a profession in allied health sciences that use different rays such as x-rays, gamma rays ultrasounds to produce images that are used by radiologists for diagnosis purposes.

Diploma of Radiology in Pakistan

Radiology is the profession in medical science that deals with the usage of different radiations such as x-rays, ultrasound, or ultraviolet rays for the diagnosis and treatment of different diseases in the body.

Diploma of Radiology Assistant in Pakistan

Radiology Assistants are pro-level radiology technicians who assist the radiologist in performing radiological procedures such as taking diagnosis images which are used by the physician

Diploma of Refraction in Pakistan

Refraction technician teaches about contact lens care as well as assist in refractive surgery done in the laser room.

 Certificate of Skin Care in Pakistan

Skincare technicians provide guidance about skincare and suggest different skin care treatments.

Diploma of Sleep Lab Technician in Pakistan

Sleep technician is a profession in allied health science that works under the supervision of the medical director to provide the treatment of sleep disorders.

DIP Surgical Assistant in Pakistan

Surgical assistants being a part of the surgical team works under the surgeon and provide surgical care to patients. They are skilled in the sterilization of different pieces of equipment used in surgery.

Diploma of Transfusion Medicine in Pakistan

Transfusion medicine is the branch of medical science which deals with the study of transfusion of blood and blood components and also study different issues that may occur during transfusion of blood.

Diploma of Ultrasound Technology in Pakistan

Ultrasound technology is a technology in health science that uses ultrasounds rays to produce pictures of inner parts of the body that will help in the diagnosis of different defects in the body such as the cause of pain, infection, and similar things

Diploma of Urology Technician in Pakistan

Urology technicians get ready patients for different procedures in urology, take x rays, prepare x rays reports, assist in surgery as well as take care of all equipment and supplies.

Diploma of Vaccinators & CDC Supervisors in Pakistan

They are actually involved in the process of vaccination. They administrate vaccination.

 Diploma of Women Health & Beautician in Pakistan

A beautician is an individual who is licensed to do cosmetic treatment of skin, nails, and hair.

Diploma of X-Ray Technician in Pakistan

An X-ray technician is one who is an expert in taking and processing x-ray reports in hospitals, medical labs, or medical clinics.

X-ray technicians can work both in the government and private sectors. Some of the departments are given below:



Medical labs

Agriculture Diploma Courses After Matric

Many people do not know that there is also the best field other than medicine, engineering, computer science, arts, and commerce which is Agriculture. Pakistan is an agricultural country and there is also a high demand for agriculture professionals to educate farmers so that farmers can get high yields from agricultural lands. Agriculture includes study about different crops, their diseases as well as increasing crop production. Veterinary sciences also come under agriculture. For your information, I want to include here some information which is that all the human needs are fulfilled from agriculture products such as from cotton we make coats, etc, from the milk we make dairy products, from wood we make furniture, from crop we get food.

You can enroll in any agricultural diploma in which you have an interest or about which you are passionate.

Best Agriculture Diploma Courses After Matric

Now if you are interested in agriculture and want to make your career in agriculture then there are many agriculture diploma courses that you can do after matric. You can enroll in any of these agricultural diploma courses which are given below:

Diploma of  Veterinary Sciences in Pakistan

In the Diploma of veterinary science, a student learns about the prevention, diagnosis, and control of different diseases as well as injuries in animals. In this diploma, a student also learns about animal husbandry, breeding, and nutrition.

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Food Technology in Pakistan

In this Diploma of Food Technology, you learn about different methods and techniques that help in the production, processing, packaging, and preservation of food for a long period of time. In this diploma, you also learn about techniques that will help you to deliver the food safely to the consumers.

Diploma of Agricultural Sciences in Pakistan

In this diploma of agriculture sciences, a student learns about production and processing techniques of food including crop cultivation and harvesting, soil cultivation, as well as production of animals.

Diploma of Livestock Assistant in Pakistan

In this diploma of livestock assistant, you will live about different procedures and methods that help to increase the productivity of animals in villages and farms. As a Livestock assistant, you will work with the DVM doctor in the veterinary hospital. You will also treat the sick animals and do their deworming against ectoparasites and endoparasites. 

Note: Now you can do this diploma after FSC pre-medical according to new policies.

Diploma of Poultry Assistant in Pakistan

In this diploma, you will learn different methods and techniques that will help you to perform different operations on daily basis in poultry farms more effectively such as checking and feeding chicks as well as collecting eggs.

Diploma of Poultry Production in Pakistan

Diploma of  Stock Assistant in Pakistan

Certification of Tunnel Farming in Pakistan

Certification of Village Veterinary Worker in Pakistan

Certification of Artificial Insemination Technician in Pakistan

Certification of Dairy & Poultry Management in Pakistan

Certification of Field Assistant in Pakistan

Certification of Food Preparation & Culinary Arts in Pakistan

Diploma of Livestock Assistant in Pakistan

Certification in  Artificial Genocide in Pakistan

Certification of Livestock Management in Pakistan

So, that was all about the best short courses you can do after matric in agriculture.

Computer Diplomas Courses after Matric in Pakistan

Diploma in Computer Basic IT

A computer is an electronic machine to which we give input it process this input(data) and gives us output (information).

In a computer diploma of basic IT, you will learn about computer basics such as hardware, software, window, and some other software.

After completing this diploma in the computer you will able to do office work in Ms. Office. Now you can work as a data entry operator or clerk in the government and private sector.

There are many vacancies in the government department also of BS-14 scale with requiring only matric qualification with this computer diploma.

Diploma in C & C++

C&C++ are programming languages in computer science. A computer language is one in which computer programs are written and only the computer can understand it. So, if you are interested in making computer programs then this diploma in C++ is for you.

By using C++ you can make different types of software for different companies. You can also develop Games, Operating Systems, computers, and many more.

In short, I only want to say that Diploma in C++ would be a better choice after matric if you want to get a job in a software house or want to work from home online as a freelancer. Yes, you can earn money from home online on different freelancing websites.

 Diploma in CCNA

CCNA stands for Cisco Certified Networking Associate. In this diploma, you study basic to advance fundamentals of networking such as network protocols, IP addresses, automation, Operating systems, and some basic level programming.

After completing the CCNA diploma and passing the test of Cisco you will get a certificate from cisco which will show that you are a certified CCNA. Now it will be very easy for you to get a job in the private sector.

There are many companies where you can work as an IT administrator, Network Administrator, System Administrator, and many more.

I also want to mention that there are different types of CCNA certificates which are given below:

CCNA Routing & Switching

CCNA Cloud

CCDA (Cisco Certified Design Associate)

CCNA Cyber Operations

CCNA Data Centers

CCNA Industrial

CCNA Wireless

CCNA Service Providers

 Diploma in CCNP


  CCNP stands for Cisco Certified Network Professional. A person with this certification can work as a Network Administrator, System Administrator, Network Security Expert.

There are more jobs in the Private sector for Cisco Certified Network Professionals.

For more information about CCNP Please visit here.

   Diploma in C# ADO.NET

C# is a programming language from Microsoft with the framework .net which is used to build the backend of different websites and applications. is a module of the .net framework which is actually used to build a connection between the front end and database of websites.

After completing these short courses you can either work online as a freelancer or you can work at any software house as a .net developer or .net developer assistant.

 Diploma in C++  

C++ is also a programming language that is used to build different programs for computer systems. These programs include operating systems, games, and different types of software according to different modules.

As far as the scope of C++ concerned it is a low-level language and will be best for you if you want to become a competitive programmer or system-level programmer.

 Diploma in C-sharp

C# is a programming language that was developed by Microsoft, use to build web applications, mobile applications, games, desktop applications, and works on the .net framework.

After completing the diploma course in c# you can either work as a freelance .net developer or work at any software house.

 Diploma in CAM/CAD

CAD stands for Computer-Aided Designing. It is the use of computers for the creation, optimization, and modification of design.

CAM stands for Computer-Aided Manufacturing. In this, all the machines that are used for designing are controlled by computers.

After completing a diploma in CAD/CAM you can work as an Auto-CAD Designer. A CAD Designer designs 2D and 3D models of physical components which may be of engineering.

There are few jobs given below that you can do as a CAD designer

Civil construction designing & drafting

Mechanical designing & drafting

Electrical designing & drafting

Architectural designing & drafting

 Diploma in CEH

CEH stands for Certified Ethical Hacker. Today the demand for cybersecurity professionals is increasing day by day. In cybersecurity, you learn about networks, operating systems, different tools for cybersecurity, any one or two programming languages to make scripts in that particular language.

After passing CEH you will get Certified Ethical Hacking Certificate. Later you can use this certificate to get a job at different companies and offer your information security services to them.

There are many jobs which a CEH can do such as

IT Administrator

Network Administrator

System Security Expert

Penetration Tester

Web Security Administrator

Data Security Specialist

And many more.

 Diploma in Cloud Computing

In Simple Words, Cloud Computing is defined as the on-demand availability of computer systems particularly data storage without active management by users.

For simple understanding, you can also say that availability of data sources ie centers to many users online at a time is called cloud computing.

There are many services of Cloud Computing that are available in today’s world such as google drive and dropbox. Yes, we can easily store any information in cloud computers and access them anywhere in the world from the internet using account name and password This is Cloud Computing, Storing of Data or Information in Clouds. I hope now you can easily understand the concept of cloud computing.

In cloud computing, you study how to build and design the architecture of cloud computers do programming and many more things for them.

After completing this diploma in Cloud Computing you can either work online or at any tech company.

After this diploma, you can also continue your study in Cloud Computing and work as

Front end Developer

Back end Developer

.Net Developer

System Administrator

Data Scientist

Cloud Engineer

Java Developer

And many more

Diploma in Building Computer Applications

In this computer diploma course, you learn how to build computer applications. You study different programming languages that you can use to build applications for computers. These programming languages may include .net,c,c++,java,python etc.

After building your computer application you can either sell them or monetize with ads. Once you learned desktop application development you can either work as a freelancer or as an employee at a software development company.


Diploma in Computer Arts

You study computer arts such as graphic designing, logo designing, web designing, Animation,2D Animation,3D Animation, Multimedia, Video Production, and photography in the diploma of Computer arts.

After learning computer arts you can work both online as a freelancer or as an employee in a software company as a graphic designer, Video producer, PhotoGrapher, Video Editor, Animation Maker.

Diploma in Computer Graphics

In simple words, computer graphics is the generation of images, prints, different designs with the help of computers using different software and tools. Many printing houses use this technology.

You can call your self-graphic designer after completing a diploma in computer graphics and work both online and offline.

Diploma in Computer Hardware

Computer hardware is all about the study of computer hardware. In this course, you study computer case, processor, RAM, hard disk, solid-state device, input devices ie keyboard, mouse, keypad, output devices ie monitor, laptop screen, and all other hardware components of a computer.

After completing a diploma in computer hardware you can either open your own shop or work at any computer repairing shop. You can also continue your study and do a bachelor's degree in computer hardware to become a hardware engineer.

Diploma in Computer Hardware & Networking Engineering

Computer hardware and network engineering diploma is actually the combination of hardware and networking. In this diploma, you study the concepts of both hardware and networking.

After finishing your diploma in hardware and networking engineering you can work as a system engineer, IT administrator, network administrator, and some other related jobs both in the private and government sectors.

Diploma in Computer Hardware & Software

In computer hardware and software, you study both hardware and software means in this diploma you also learn about how to build and designs computer software using different programming languages.

You can do all the jobs related to hardware and software after completing this course.

Diploma in Computer Networking

You learn all about computer networks ie how to build, design, secure, and transfer data with security in networks. You learn about all the fundamental concepts of networking such as network protocols, IP addresses, servers, and different communication devices.

You can work as an IT administrator, system administrator, and network administrator.

Diploma in Computer Networks & Communication

In this short course, you learn about computer networks and their modes of communication as well as different communication devices.

You will learn about

what are computer networks?

How they work?

How to keep them secure?

How data is transferred from one computer to another in a computer network?

Different modes of data communication

And about different communication devices.

You can work as it administrator, network administrator, system administrator.

Diploma in Computer Operator

As the name indicates computer operator is one who operates the computer. Computer operators keep track that every computer in a network or individually works properly without any problem.

Fortunately, there is more scope for computer operators in Pakistan both in the private and government sector as compared to all the above-mentioned fields.

You can work as a computer operator in private companies or in government departments.

Diploma in Computer Programming

In this diploma, you learn about computer programs works and what they are as well as how to build them. You study different computer programing languages such as .net,java,python,c++,c,SQL to build web applications,desktop applications,mobile apps,games, and server.

After studying computer programming you can work both in private and government as a web developer, app developer, and database developer.

Diploma in Computer Science & Information Technology

In computer science and information technology, you study both computer science and information technology.

Computer science deals with the study of software designing and development while information technology deals with the installment and management of these programs on the operating system.

Diploma in Computer-aided Design 

Computer-aided Design is the designing of different components of engineering or others using computers in 2d and 3d.

Diploma in Computer-aided Manufacturing 

Computer-aided Manufacturing is the controlling of all the computers that are involved in the designing of computer designs.

 Diploma in Computerized Accounting

In computerized you learn about different accounting software that is installed on firm computers, servers, or accessed over the internet by providing user account information.

This software is used by firms to keep track of their stock data, sales, profits, or losses.

One of the best examples of a computerized account is QuickBooks which is also accounting software.

After learning computerized accounting you can work as an account in both government and private sectors.


Diploma in Data Science

Data science is such a discipline in computer science that combines the knowledge of mathematics, statistics, and programming data to extract meaningful information from given data.

Data science uses different complex algorithms to do that.

As far as the future and scope of data science concern there is great scope in data science.

Diploma in Data Structures 

Data Structures is the specific organization of data in a computer so that it can be used easily after.

In this diploma, you learn about algorithm development that is used for a specific purpose. These algorithms are used by software engineers to develop software.

Diploma in Database Applications

Database Applications is a computer program in which you enter some data and it returns back you required information from the computerized database. In this course, you will learn about different types of databases.

You learn about

What is a database?

How it works?

How to design a database?

After completing this diploma you can work both in the government and private sector as a database developer, administrator, or manager.


Diploma in Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is a modern form of marketing on digital media. In this course, you learn about how to do marketing of your product or services on Facebook, Instagram, youtube, or on search engines.

The modules included in this diploma are given below:

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Search Engine Marketing

Facebook Marketing

Instagram Marketing

Youtube Marketing

LinkedIn Marketing

Influencer Marketing

Affiliate Marketing


Email Marketing

And many more.

This course will not only help you to get a job but by completing this course you can also start your business from home online or you can also start freelancing on different freelancing websites.


Diploma in .Net Programming 

As I described earlier that .net the framework of c# programming the language which was developed by Microsoft and use to build the backend of the different web applications.

After finishing this diploma you can work both in the government and private sector as a .net developer.

Diploma in E-commerce

E-commerce stands for Electronic business. E-commerce is the buying and purchasing of products and services by using debit or credit cards.

By learning this course you will be able to do your online business by starting a store online using WordPress which is a CMS system and used for building websites.

Diploma in Flash Animation

Flash animation is actually making cartoon films using different software. All these cartoons are actually animation that is build using different animation-making software.

I recommend you to do this course because there is more demand, scope, future, and money in this field.

It depends upon your skills how much you will be successful in this field.

Diploma in Game Designing

In this diploma course, you actually learn about how to make designs for games. By learning game designing you can work at any software development company.

Diploma in Geographical Information System

Geographical Information System is a computer system that stores, capture, analyze and display data according to the position on earth that includes streets, buildings, and maps.

There are a good scope and future of Geographical Information System both in government and private sector.

By studying this course anyone can work as

  Geographical Information System Technician

CAD Drafter

Land Survey Technician

Geographical Information System Analyst


And many more.

Diploma in Geographical Information System & Remote Sensing 

Geographical Information System & Remote Sensing is a computerized tool for creating and displaying data in the form of maps while Remote Sensing is the branch of computer science that deals with the measurements of the earth with the help of sensors on satellites.

Diploma in Graphic Animation

The art of moving the objects from one place or end to another place or end is called animation. When we same things with graphics draw with the help of different tools is called graphic animation mean in graphic animation different types of graphics which may be photographs or similar things variate repeatedly.

Diploma in Graphic Designing

According to Wikipedia graphic designing is defined as visual communication through illustration, photography, iconography, and typography.

 Diploma of IT Assistant

IT Assistant is one who maintains computers and computer networks. They check out whether the computer hardware, software, or related devices are working properly or not.

 Diploma in Information & Communication Technologies

Information & Communication Technologies deals with the study of the basic concepts of information technology and communication technology.

ICT covers all technologies that help in communication. i.e to make the telecommunications network we use information and communication technologies.

 Diploma in Education Technology

In Education, Information technology is actually the use of computer software, hardware, educational practices, and theories to accelerate the process of learning. Educational technology helps us to make the education process more flexible by creating, storing, and managing educational resources.

 Diploma in Information Technology Management 

In this diploma course, you learn about how to manage the data of your company or firm. In this course, you study different management and storage of data by using different information technologies.

Diploma in Java 

Java is a programming language that helps to create different programs such as you can create a web application, mobile apps, android apps with the help of java.

After learning java you can easily get a job at any software house as a java developer or you can work as a freelancer online on different freelancing websites.

Diploma in Linux

Linux is a free open-source operating system from This operating is usually used by hackers.

After completing a diploma in Linux you can work as a system administrator, web backend & database programmer, or Linux technician.

Diploma in MCSE

MCSE stands for Micro Soft Certified Solution Engineer. In this course, you learn about what is an operating system and how it works as well as how to manage it. You learn about the window operating system in depth.

After this course, you can work as a Windows engineer, system administrator, Network support engineer, or IT Administrator.

Diploma in AutoDesk Maya 

Auto desk Maya which is commonly known as Maya was primarily developed by the alias corporation is a 3d graphics computer application that is now owned by AutoDesk. It is used by Maya professionals to create different objects or assets for different purposes such as for games, films, and animation.

 Diploma in MicroController

The microController is a small computer that is embedded in an Integrated Circuit chip, which is made of metal-oxide-semiconductor. MicroController also contains processors, memory as well as input and output devices.

Diploma of Microsoft Certified System Engineer

A person who passes the Microsoft window operating system, system support, networking, and some other related exam is known as  Microsoft Certified System Engineer.

A Microsoft Certified System Engineer can work as an IT administrator, system support expert, Network Administrator in both private and government departments.

 Diploma in Ms. Office

Ms. Office is also a diploma course at the of which you get a certificate from Microsoft in Ms. Office.

In this course, you learn about how to use ms word, ms PowerPoint, ms excel and some other software of Microsoft that are usually used for office work.

After completing your diploma course in ms office you can work both in the private and government sector.

You can work as a clerk, data entry operator, or computer operator expert in ms office.

 Diploma in Network Administration

A network Administrator is one who is responsible for the smooth operating of all the computers and software in a network.

You can work as a network administrator or its administrator after completing this short course.

Diploma in Oracle Certified Professional

Oracle Certified Professional is one who designs the architecture for the development of the oracle database.

He is also responsible for the management and troubleshooting of the Oracle database.

Diploma in Office Automation

Office Automation includes the use of different computer software to create, store, manage, manipulate and utilize the office information or data digitally, which helps to perform different office tasks.

Diploma in Office Automation Process

It is the use of computer hardware, software, and other computer-related devices to automate office work.

Diploma in Operating System

  Operating System is software that controls all the processes of a computer system such as file management, memory management, input, and output devices connectivity.

After completing this diploma you can work as a System administrator, IT administrator, and Network Administrator both in the government and private sector.

Diploma in Oracle developer

Oracle SQL developers design and build databases using this technology.

 Diploma in Oracle PL/SQL

  Oracle pl/SQL is a specific language to build oracle databases. 

 Diploma in Peachtree

Peachtree is accounting software that helps businesses to manage their sales data.

 Diploma in Php Programming

Php is a programming language that is used to develop the back end of websites by PHP programmers.

Diploma in Programmable Logic Control 

  Programmable Logic Control ( Plc ) is an industrial-level computer that is used to control the process of manufacturing.

Diploma in QuickBooks

QuickBooks is accounting software which can be used by all type of organization including small, medium, or large size.

Diploma in Software  Software Development

Diploma in Visual 

Diploma in the visual communication network

Diploma in Visual Basic

Diploma in Web Designing & Development

Diploma in Web Designing 

Diploma of Web Developer

Diploma in Web Technology

Diploma in Web Engineering

Diploma in Web Graphics & Animation

Best Diploma Courses After Matric in Arts in Pakistan

If you have passed your matric exams but your marks are not good and you want to do some diploma courses in arts then you are in the right place. I am going to share with you some best of the best short courses that you can opt for after matric and start earning money by doing your job or business.

Here is a question for you why you want to do an arts diploma after matric?

what you want to become?

What is the scope of that particular field?

Do you have a passion for that particular job?

So, these are some questions that I think you should ask yourself before choosing any course

or diploma.

Now let's come to the main topic which is about the best options after matric in arts. So, there are many types of diplomas and short courses in arts that you can enroll in after matric. Many of these are given below:

Certification in Digital Photography

Certification in Drafting Cutting & Sewing

Diploma in Drawing

Diploma in Dress Designing & Dress Making

Certification in Embroidery

Certification in Fashion 

Diploma in Fashion Design 

Certification in Fashion Management 

Diploma in Fashion Marketing & Merchandizing

Certification in Fine Arts

Diploma of Associate Engineering Architecture 

Diploma in Textile Design

Certification in Architecture & Design

Certification in Art & Craft

Certification in Art & Design

Certification in  Calligraphy

Certification in Ceramic Design

Diploma in Design

Certification in  Furniture Design

Certification in Gemmology

Certification in Gems Cutting

Certification in Hand Embroidery

Certification in P C B Designing

Certification in Painting

Certification in Pattern Cutting

Certification in Screen & Oil Painting 

Diploma in Textile & Fashion Design 

Certification in Textile Design Technology 

Certification in Textile Designing

 Diploma in Theatre Arts

Certification in Home Decoration

Diploma in Interior Architecture

Certification in Interior Design

Certification in  Jewellery

Certification in Landscape Architecture  Lapidary 

These are some diploma and certification courses that you can do after matric in the arts field. I hope I have covered all the prominent short courses for art lovers. You can enroll in any of the above certifications and after that, you can either do the job or your own business.

Technical Diploma Courses After Matric in Pakistan

There are many technical courses that any student can do after matric if he wants to come into practical fields early. I also recommend if you are not good in studies and want to learn a technical skill with the help of which you can earn your livings then here are many technical diploma courses for you which you can do after matric and start your career in practical fiied:

You can enroll in any of the following diploma courses that suit your passion much better.

 Diploma of Associate Engineering in Auto & Diesel 

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Chemical Technology 

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Civil Technology 

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Mechanical Technology 

 Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Petrochemical Technology 

 Certification in Automobile 

Certification in Air Conditioner Repairing 

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Aircraft Maintenance Engineers Technology

Certification in Aluminium & Steel Fabricator

Certification in Apparel Supervisor 

Certification in Architectural Drafting in Pakistan

Diploma of Associate Engineering in Architecture Technology 

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Auto & Farm

 Certification in Auto Electrician 

Certification in Auto Mechanic 

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Avionics Technology 

 Diploma of Associate Engineering in Beautician

Certification in  Beauty Therapy in Pakistan

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Biomedical Technology 

 Certification in Broadband Technology 

Certification in Building Construction 

Certification in Building Electrician

Certification in Building Electrician & Motor Winding 

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Cabinet Making

 Certification in Carpenter in Pakistan

Certification in CCTV Technician

 Certification in Civil Draughtsman

Certification in Civil Surveyor

 Certification in CNC Machine Operator

Certification in CNC Programmer

Certification in Computer Added Jewellery Designing

Certification in Computer Hardware Technology

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Computer Information Technology 

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Computer Technology 

Certification in Construction & Highways Technologies

Certification in  Construction Material Laboratory Technician

Certification in Cooking & Baking 

Certification in Cotton Selectors 

Certification in Crane Operator

Certification in Cutting & Sewing

Certification in Die and Mold Maker

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Dies & Molded Technology

Certification in Domestic Tailoring 

Certification in Dozer Operator in Pakistan

Diploma of Associate Engineering in Draftsman Civil

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Draftsman Mechanical

Certification in Dress-Making 

Diploma of Associate Engineering in Electrical Supervisor

 Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Electrical Technology 

 Certification in Electrical Wiring 

Certification in Electrician

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Electronics Application

Certification in  Electronics Equipment Repair

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Electronics Technology

Certification in Elementary Food Preservation in Pakistan

Certification in Excavator Operator in Pakistan

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Fabric Printing in Pakistan

Certification in Fashion Jewellery Maker in Pakistan

Certification in Fibre Technology in Pakistan

Certification in Finishing and Polishing of Furniture in Pakistan

Certiifcation in Advance Optical Fiber Technology in Pakistan

Diploma of Associate Engineering in Fitter General in Pakistan

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Food Preservation in Pakistan

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Footwear Technology in Pakistan

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Foundry Technology in Pakistan

Diploma of Associate Engineering in Garment Technology in Pakistan

Certification in Gemstone Carving in Pakistan

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Gemstone Faceting in Pakistan

 Certification in General Electrician in Pakistan

Diploma of Associate Engineering in Glass & Ceramics in Pakistan

Certification in Handicraft in Pakistan

Certification in Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning in Pakistan

Certification in Heavy Machine Operator in Pakistan

 Certification in Heavy Transport Vehicle Driving in Pakistan

Certiifcation in Home Appliances & Repair in Pakistan

 Certification in Industrial Electrician in Pakistan

Certification in  Industrial Stitching Machine Operator in Pakistan

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Instrument Technology in Pakistan

 Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Instrumentation & Process Control in Pakistan

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Instrumentation & Watch in Pakistan

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Knitting Machine Operator in Pakistan

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Land & Mine Survey in Pakistan

Certification in Land Surveying in Pakistan

Certification in Leather Manufacturing in Pakistan

Diploma of Associate Engineering in Leather Technology in Pakistan

Certification in Light Transport Vehicle Driving in Pakistan

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Machinist in Pakistan

Certification in Bricks Layer in Pakistan

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Mechatronic Technology in Pakistan

 Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Metallurgy & Welding in Pakistan

Certification in Microwave Technician in Pakistan

 Certification in  Mobile App Developer in Pakistan

Certification in  Mobile Phone Repairing in Pakistan

Certification in Motor Grader Operator in Pakistan

Certification in Motor winding in Pakistan

Certification in Motorcycle Mechanic in Pakistan

Diploma of Associate Engineering in Office Secretary in Pakistan

Certification in Optical Fiber Cable & Transmission System in Pakistan

Certification in Optical Fiber Technology in Pakistan

Certification in Pattern Drafting & Grading in Pakistan

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Petroleum Technology in Pakistan

Certification in Plumber in Pakistan

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Power Technology in Pakistan

Diploma of Associate Engineering in Precession & Instrument Technology in Pakistan

Certification in Printing & Graphic in Pakistan

Certification in  Quality Control in Pakistan

Certification in  Quantity Surveyor in Pakistan

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Radar Technology in Pakistan

 Certification in Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning in Pakistan

Certification in Screen Printing in Pakistan

Certification in Shoe Designing in Pakistan

 Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Short Hand & Typing in Pakistan

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Smart Phone Repairing in Pakistan

Certification in Solar P V Technician in Pakistan

Certification in Solar Photovoltaic Installation and Pumping 

Certification in Solar Technology in Pakistan

Certification in Steel Fixer in Pakistan

Certification in Stitching Machine Operator in Pakistan

Certification in Survey in Pakistan

Certification in Telecom & Fiber Technician in Pakistan

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Telecom Technology in Pakistan

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Textile Dyeing & Printing in Pakistan

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Textile Spinning Technology in Pakistan

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Textile Technology in Pakistan

Diploma of Associate Engineering in  Textile Weaving in Pakistan

Certification in Tractor Operator in Pakistan

Certification in Invertor/UPS  Manufacturing & Repairing in Pakistan

Certification in Waiter in Pakistan

Certification in Weaving in Pakistan

Certification in  Welding in Pakistan

Certification in wheel loader Operator in Pakistan

Certification in Wood Work in Pakistan

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