MAGME SCHOOL OF BANKING Class Room - Daily Dose BookletDDB NO: Geography 03 (English)
1 D. only A and B
2 A. Karst region
3 C. small residual hills found on the floors of Polyhedron
4 A. Glacier region
5 A. periglacial process
6 D. the frontal parts of the glaciers are destroyed by melting and the glaciers appear to be retreating
7 A. Patermoster lake
8 C. between the coast and off seabar
9 B. submerged upland shoreline
10 A. fall in sea level
11 D. Roche Moutonnes
12 C. descending side
13 A. Drumlin
14 A. Selva region
15 C. an erosional feature
16 B. 1 and 2 are correct
17 C. wind borne depositional feature
18 A. depositional feature by the wind action
19 C. similar to Barkhan except one wing is missing
20 C. crescentic shaped dunes with wings directed down wind
21 A. parabolic dunes
22 D. ridge like deposits of wind borne sand along the coast of sea or lake.
23 B. Gasis
24 A. large longitudinal dunes with flat tops on which barkhans or seif may occur.
25 C. Sulphur dioxide
26 D. all of the above
27 C. ox-bow lake
28 A. sedimentary rock
29 D. all of these
30 B. Drumlin
31 C. gravitational force of the sun.
32 B. Mountains
33 D. both B and C
34 A. Igneous rock
35 C. arete
36 B. a sharp ridge produced by glacial erosion
37 A. Heat dome
38 A. similar to waterfall in a river
39 C. associated with glacier.
40 D. lakes found in Karst land forms
41 B. when the width of the valley is less than the width of the river
42 A. initial stage of a river
43 C. depression on the flood plains of meandering rivers.
44 C. all debris deposited in a glacial environment
45 A. associated with glaciation in low land area
46 B. erosion by snow
47 A. summer firn line
48 A. obsequent
49 C. antecedent
50 D. A and B
51 A. which flow in the same direction as the consequent streams but at a lower level
52 D. B and C
53 A. the stream does not have the capacity to transport its load in single channel be it straight or meandering.
54 A. inside of bends
55 C. Reduction in the production and consumption of chloro fluorocarbons
56 A. meanders
57 A. Riffles
58 B. Pools
59 B. Nitrification
60 C. R.E. Horton
61 C. splash erosion
62 C. allied to mud flows
63 A. a dropped block
64 B. an uplifted block
65 D. B and C are correct
66 A. the formation of great fold mountain ranges of the world.
67 D. Both A and B
68 C. the main landform created by proglacial deposition.
69 A. an area of mounds on depressions commonly associated with a stagnant glacier.
70 B. deposition by melt water streams
71 A. long narrow ridges of well sorted materials.
72 D. all of the above
73 B. large ice mounds anything from 10 m to 70 m in height found in the high Arctic
74 A. slope features in periglacial landforms
75 C. A and B are correct
76 D. all of the above
77 C. isolated mounds found in the arid regions.
78 C. a plain of eroded bed rock in an arid region developed between mountain and basin areas
79 D. A and B are correct
80 A. an isolated table land area with steep sides found in a humid region
81 C. Davis
82 A. Swinnerton
83 A. flat till plains made up of claytill.
84 A. Lake Vaon
85 A. fresh water lake
86 B. Haffs
87 C. Crater lake
88 D. Maweru
89 B. tectonic fracture
90 D. Kettles
91 B. Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A
92 B. Yardang
93 A. 4
94 C. Shifting slowly
95 B. Nile
96 A. Lonos
97 A. Rhine
98 C. Sivalik Flanks
99 A. they compete for sunlight
100 A. Great plains of U.S.A.
101 A. Underground water
102 D. drifting of plates
103 D. 3 4 1 2
104 B. Brahmaputra
105 C. Chernozem
106 C. W.M. Davis
107 C. Arete
108 C. U.S.A.
109 B. Antarctica
110 B. Madagascar
111 B. Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A
112 C. Sahara
113 D. E. Africa
114 B. Playa
115 B. California
116 A. The Atlas range is a folded mountain.
117 D. Myanmar
118 A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
119 C. Mixed forest
120 B. Patagonian
121 B. lower layer of the atmosphere
122 D. Waves action
123 A. Both 1 and 2 are true
124 A. Continental drift
125 A. North Atlantic ridge
126 C. Hydrolysis – Mechanical weathering
127 C. Antecedent river
128 C. Black soil
129 A. Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A
130 D. Isogonic lines
131 B. ground not visible from two points
132 D. Planets were formed out of filaments
133 B. Guyots
134 D. erosional feature
135 B. Only 1 and 2 are correct
136 B. Nile
137 B. podzoles
138 A. Antarctica
139 A. Jolly
140 B. Hanging Valley
141 A. Cuestas
142 A. Block mountain
143 D. Lemonites
144 B. Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A
145 B. Geoid
146 B. 0 to 9
147 D. The Rockies
148 C. 2 1 4 3
149 D. Podzol
150 D. Sulphur dioxide
151 D. All of the above
152 C. both A and B
153 B. the equator
154 A. Southern Hemisphere
155 A. more by terrestrial radiation
156 B. the albedo of the earth
157 B. due to imbalance of heat
158 B. mainly from below
159 D. both B and C
160 C. Davis