MAGME SCHOOL OF BANKING Class Room - Daily Dose BookletDDB NO: Biology 08
1 Charaka
2 Aristotle and Theophrastus
3 the Elder
4 ‘Historia Naturalis’.
5 Carolus Linnaeus
6 Carolus Linnaeus
7 Whittaker
8 Phylogenetic studies
9 Zooplanktons
10 parasite.
11 Nepenthes and Drosera
12 virology.
13 bacteriophage
14 prophage.
15 Lysogenic bacterium.
16 Bunchy top of banana
17 retroviruses.
18 Azidothymidine
19 respiratory disease.
20 they contain no genetic materials.(DNA/ RNA)
21 Nucleic acid and Protein coat
22 ds.RNA.
23 Mycophage
24 Corona virus
25 Capnophilic
26 chlorophyll.
27 Spirogyra.
28 Flagella or cilia
29 Blue green algae
30 Benthic
31 Epiphyte
32 Lithophyte
33 Phycoerythrin
34 Phycocyanin
35 Red algae and Blue green
36 Cyanophage
37 Ephedrine
38 Spirogyra
39 Bryophyta
40 microphyllous pteridophytes
41 ferns
42 spermatophytes (sperma – seed).
43 Gymnosperms (Spermotophytes).
44 wind (anemophilous).
45 Chemotaxis
46 glycogen and oil.
47 Heterophory
48 Pteridophytes,Gymnosperm and Angiosperms
49 Heterosporous
50 Angiosperms
51 Ovule
52 Pollen sac
53 Natural gas, Ammonia
54 Conventional, electronic
55 Denmark
56 Aluminium cans and plastics
57 fauna and flora
58 27
59 Viralimalai
60 Phytoplanktons
61 one
62 Natural
63 Cellulosic Biomass
64 chemicals
65 Methane
66 Reproductive cells.
67 Meiosis- I division.
68 Meiosis - II division.
69 pairing or synapsis.
70 Pachytene.
71 Cell
72 Anton van Leewenhoek
73 Robert Hooke
74 Rudolf Virchow
75 Robert Brown
76 Prukinje
77 Plant cell
78 Animal cells
79 Schleiden
80 Theodor Schwann in 1839.
81 RBC and sieve tube cells
82 nucleoid.
83 Plasmid
84 TEM.
85 Cell wall
86 Selectively permeable
87 Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
88 resolution.
89 Resolution power .
90 magnify the objects.
91 Singer and Nicholson
92 chromosomes
93 Polysomes or. Polyribosomes
94 Endoplasmic reticulum
95 permeases or translocases present.
96 Along the concentration gradient
97 Chloroplasts
98 Vacuoles
99 mature sperm cells and RBCs.
100 single membrane.
101 Nucleus
102 Chromosomes
103 Genes
104 Mitochondria
105 Ribosomes
106 polysome.
107 1. Amitosis, 2. Mitosis, 3. Meiosis.
108 Prophase, Metaphase, Anasphase, Telophase.
109 Mitosis
110 Meiosis
111 Morphology
112 Angiosperms.
113 shoot system
114 vegetative organs
115 reproductive organs
116 Roots
117 radicle of the embryo.
118 pneumatophores.
119 pneumatothodes.
120 orchids.
121 Velamen
122 Tinospora
123 haustoria.
124 Plumule of the embryo
125 Opuntia.
126 cladode.
127 runner.
128 Bignonia unguiscati
129 Sweet potato
130 Bract
131 Receptacle or. torus
132 Homomerous
133 Pollen sac
134 Fruit
135 Legume
136 Perianth
137 Rhizome
138 eye of the potato.
139 Leaves
140 Leaves
141 Leaves
142 Leaves
143 lamina.
144 Venation
145 Tripinnate
146 Unifoliate
147 Phyllode
148 Utricularia
149 Syngenesious
150 Epipetalous
151 Asteraceae
152 Paddy
153 Parthenocarpic Fruit
154 Pericarp
155 True Fruit
156 Aggregate fruit
157 Rhizobium
158 Boron
159 Potassium
160 Rhizobium
161 differences in a species.
162 Polydactyly
163 Anton von Leewenhoek
164 Maupertius
165 Aristotle
166 Blending Theory
167 clone
168 Mendel
169 Garden peaplant (Pisum sativum).
170 9 : 3 : 3 : l.
171 1:01
172 1 : 1 : 1 : 1.
173 Sutton
174 Recon
175 Correns in Mirabilis jalapa.
176 Epistasis
177 Cucurbita pepo.
178 12:03:01
179 9:03:04
180 13:03
181 Cell wall
182 Cell
183 chloroplast
184 Photosynthesis
185 mitochondrion.
186 A.T.P. (Adenosine Tri Phosphate)
187 Ribosomes and endoplasmic reticulum.
188 Golgi bodies
189 Protoplasm
190 Protoplasm
191 roots.
192 Osmosis
193 Plasmolysis
194 diffusion pressure.
195 a uniform electric charge.
196 Dixon and Joly.
197 Cohesion
198 Stomata
199 Guard cell
200 Accumulation of Potassium Chloride
201 Abscissic acid (ABA)
202 macronurients.
203 micronutrients.
204 Magnesium
205 Leaves and seeds
206 Boron deficiency
207 oat.
208 citrus
209 Cystine and cysteine
210 Triple fusion
211 Molybdenum deficiency
212 Molybdenum deficiency
213 Cytochrome Pump Theory.
214 Munch Theory
215 Death and decay of organic systems
216 Nitrogen cycle.
217 Cycas
218 Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacteria
219 Bacillus ramosus
220 Rhodotorula
221 sexual reproduction.
222 1. Perennation, 2. Vegetative Propagation, 3. Storage of food.
223 1. Rhizome, 2. Tuber,3. Bulb, 4. Corm.
224 Corm
225 condensed runners.
226 Bryophyllum
227 Buds or. Eye spot
228 Potato, Bananas and Begonias.
229 pollination.
230 Xenogamy or Allogamy.
231 Hibiscus.
232 Bajra
233 Maize.
234 Linum.
235 5,00,000 pollen grains.
236 aquatic plants.
237 pollen baskets.
238 Salvia
239 Ornithophily
240 Chiropterophily
241 fertilization.
242 Strasburger in Monotropa.
243 Syngamy
244 Vegetative fertilization.
245 angiosperms.
246 Seed
247 Testa
248 seed coat.
249 In hypogeal germination
250 Vivipary
251 mangrove plant.
252 Oxygen
253 Abscisic Acid (ABA).
254 Cytokinins
255 decreases.
256 Leopold
257 Sequential senescence
258 synchronous.
259 Rainwater
260 Rainwater Harvest
261 Reiter.
262 Light
263 flowering of plants.
264 80-90% of water.
265 hydrophytes.
266 Soil air
267 mutualism
268 Lichens
269 Lianes
270 Epiphytes
271 sloth.
272 vitis.
273 Warming
274 1. Hydrophytes, 2. Xerophytes, 3. Mesophytes.
275 four categories
276 free floating hydrophytes.
277 ‘Floating but rooted hydrophytes’.
278 Ceratophyllum and Utricularia
279 Hydrilla, Vallisneria, Potamogeton
280 Amphibious hydrophytes
281 Sagittaria, Typha.
282 Normal and floating roots.
283 rhizome.
284 Asterosclereids
285 true xerophytes.
286 xerophytes
287 Photosynthesis
288 Minerals Salts and Anchorages to plants
289 Mesophytes
290 Man
291 Cattle dung
292 Dehradun.
293 differentiation of spermatids into spermatozoa
294 insects
295 birds
296 cleavage
297 gastrocoel
298 Eohippus
299 Siberia
300 Hyracotherium
301 sustainable earth
302 Lamark
303 homonyms
304 Nematoda
305 viruses
306 Schistostoma
307 Annelida
308 Peripatus
309 water vascular system
310 prochordates
311 myotomes
312 amphibians
313 egg membranes
314 right aortic arch
315 merozoite
316 14 to 17
317 Typhlosole
318 excretion
319 above the tail
320 pneumatic bones
321 Electron microscope
322 power of magnification
323 Robert Hook
324 condenser lens
325 scanning electron microscope
326 Hematoxylin
327 fixation
328 Robertson
329 proteins
330 Leninger
331 mitochondria
332 protein synthesis
333 Endoplasmic reticulum
334 RBC
335 golgi apparatus
336 basal body
337 nil
338 Agnatha
339 210 to 65m years ago
340 Devonian period
341 stratum corneum
342 errector pili
343 14
344 atlas
345 lattismus
346 diaphragm
347 parotid
348 25 cm
349 enlargement of the tonsil
350 resistance vessel
351 tunica media
352 vasa vasorum
353 the abdominal cavity
354 nerve tissues
355 corpus callossum
356 aqueous humor
357 hypothalamus
358 20 gms
359 endo metrium
360 golden age of reptiles
361 shallow, tropical seas
362 the coast of Australia
363 Lampito mauritii
364 vermicompost
365 Apis indica
366 mulberry silk
367 entomophagous
369 Macrobrachium sp
370 lobsters
371 pomfret
372 air bladder
373 Peru
374 Chinese
375 Orissa
376 lungs
377 mid-night
378 compressed
379 King cobra
380 old books
381 Topslip
382 tiger
383 forests
384 Wildlife
385 tourism
386 afforestation
387 social forestry
388 agro-forestry
389 Zoological survey of India
390 Red data book
391 Aristotle
392 Vedanthangal
393 swallows
394 3000
395 salmon fish
396 Brazilian turtles
397 Carbon
398 Sanctuaries
399 500
400 89
401 Uttar Pradesh
402 Gir
403 100
404 weeds
405 12
406 biodiversity
407 extinction
408 sunderlal bahuguna
409 CD4 plus T-helper cells
410 diabetes mellitus
411 asexual
412 inheritable
413 NIF genes
414 18000, 10000
415 self pollination
416 monohybrid
417 Restriction endonucleases
418 DNA ligase
419 Vitamin B12
420 insulin
421 cyton
422 neuro transmitters
423 carbohydrates
424 extracellular
425 Pyruvic acid, glycolysis
426 sieve tubes
427 diffusion
428 Seed
429 superior, axile
430 perianth, one
431 adventitious roots
432 embryo sac, egg
433 canine
434 incisors
435 72
436 Bat
437 left auricle and left ventricle
438 four chambered stomach
439 sweat glands
440 cooling up mechanism
441 kidneys
442 systole
443 urinary bladder
444 cosmozoa
445 Aristotle
446 coacervates
447 Turmeric
448 irrigation
449 water logging
450 cops