
Everyday Science Quiz Objective Type MCQs

Solved MCQs General Science Basic Info with solutions of Quizzes Online for Preparation of Mcqs As question to everyday sciences are often asked in various written exams like NAT/GAT Admission Test, NTS and Army Forces jobs tests.

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Everyday Science MCQs Preparations With Quiz Test

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Solved MCQs of Everyday Science MCQs Online

Q.1: Which Gas is included in Fry Chips Packets for safety ?

  1. Nitrogen gas
  2. Carbon dioxide
  3. Oxygen
  4. Hydrogen


Q.2: What “Enrico Fermi” invented ?

  1. X ray machine
  2. Betatron
  3. Cyclotron
  4. Nuclear reactor


Q.3: The carbon dioxide content in the air that we exhale is about ?

  1. 4%
  2. 9%
  3. 15%
  4. 16%


Q.4: What inspired reflecting road lights to be invented ?

  1. Car door reflecting mirrors
  2. The light a cat’s eyes gave off on a fence
  3. Sun light on steel posts on road sides
  4. The sun light on the windshield


Q.5: Animals living in the three trunks are known as-------- ?

  1. Arboreal
  2. Volant
  3. Amphibious
  4. Aquaticx


Q.6: The brain of human adult weighs about------ ?

  1. 1200 – 1300 gm
  2. 1600 – 2000 gm
  3. 500 – 800 gm
  4. 100 – 200 gm


Q.7: Place directly above focus on Earth’s surface is known as ------- ?

  1. Strike
  2. Comma
  3. Epicenter
  4. Origin


Q.8: P Waves are also said to be ---------- waves ?

  1. Push-pull
  2. Side-side
  3. Up-down
  4. None of the above


Q.9: Study of fruit is called-------- ?

  1. Pomology
  2. Plriculture
  3. Sericulture
  4. Apiculture


Q.10: Silver fish is the name of-------- ?

  1. Insect
  2. Fish
  3. Bird
  4. Mammal


Q.11: What is the chemical formula of Ozone ?

  1. H2O
  2. C12
  3. O3
  4. CH4


Q.12: what is anthracite ?

  1. Carbon
  2. Hard coal
  3. Ammonia
  4. None of these


Q.13: At what temperature are Celsius and Fahrenheit equal ?

  1. -40 degree
  2. 40 degree
  3. -10 degree
  4. 10 degree


Q.14: What are the three basic units of measurement for the metric system ?

  1. Metre, litre and gramme
  2. Centimetre, kilograms and metric
  3. Kilogram, mass and energy
  4. Kelvin, cd and mole


Q.15: Lunar eclipse occurs on------- ?

  1. New Moon
  2. Full Moon
  3. Half Moon
  4. Quarter Moon


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