English Grammar Vocabulary And Comprehension MCQs

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English Grammar Vocabulary MCQs

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Vocabulary English Grammar MCQs Quiz

English Grammar MCQs Quiz Tests List

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Online Solved Competitive Exams MCQs

Q.1: Joke: Laughter :: ?

  1. Cry: Sorrow
  2. Disease: Medicine
  3. Death: Life
  4. Miracle: Surprise


Q.2: Synonym of ” Uproar ” is ------- ?

  1. Acquiescence
  2. Calm
  3. Turmoil
  4. Placid


Q.3: PORK: PIG :: ?

  1. rooster: chicken
  2. mutton: sheep
  3. steer: beef
  4. lobster: crustacean


Q.4: The rains have set ------ ?

  1. In
  2. Of
  3. On
  4. Out


Q.5: Synonym of effigy is ------- ?

  1. proxy
  2. profundity
  3. boldness
  4. exit
  5. dumpy


Q.6: Synonym of tepid is ------- ?

  1. enraged
  2. equatorial
  3. transported
  4. lukewarm
  5. embarrassed


Q.7: Synonym of “abettor” is ------ ?

  1. gambler
  2. slaughter-house
  3. encourager
  4. factor
  5. author


Q.8: One who has obstinate and narrow religious views is ------- ?

  1. fanatic
  2. theologian
  3. bigot
  4. egotist


Q.9: My brother was trembling ---- cold ?

  1. from
  2. with
  3. of
  4. by


Q.10: Synonym of “impeccable” is -------- ?

  1. poverty-stricken
  2. faultless
  3. dirty
  4. criminal
  5. impervious


Q.11: He always comes ----- home late ?

  1. to
  2. at
  3. Both A & B
  4. None of above


Q.12: Synonym of “professedly” is ------- ?

  1. meekly
  2. cruelly
  3. bravely
  4. pedantically
  5. ostensibly


Q.13: Antonym of GUMPTION is --------- ?

  1. Apathy
  2. Nerve
  3. Initiative
  4. Sagacity


Q.14: Prime Minister has arrived ---- London ?

  1. at
  2. to
  3. in
  4. from
  5. none


Q.15: We congratulate you ---- your achievement ?

  1. for
  2. to
  3. on
  4. at
  5. by


Q.16: I don’t see any ----- in arriving early at the theatre if the show doesn’t start until 9 o’clock ?

  1. aim
  2. reason
  3. cause
  4. point


Q.17: Synonym of inundate is ----- ?

  1. overwhelm
  2. surrender
  3. flood
  4. destroy
  5. conquer


Q.18: He is using backstairs influence to sort out his matter ?

  1. Political influence
  2. Backing influence
  3. Deserving and proper influence
  4. Secret and unfair influence


Q.19: Synonym of Trail------- ?

  1. To chase
  2. To fix
  3. To divert
  4. To disturb


Q.20: His application for a visa was turned ----- by the consulate. ?

  1. out
  2. over
  3. down
  4. aside


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