physics set 15

Q.2      For a gas of volume V in its equilibrium state, if the pressure does change with time then total kinetic energy of gas is constant because
A) Collisions between gas molecules occur                      C) Collisions must be elastic
B) Collisions between gas molecules occur linearly          D) Collisions must be inelastic
Q.3 H2 and O2 both are at thermal equilibrium at temperature 300 K. Oxygen molecule is 16 times
massive than hydrogen. Root mean square speed of hydrogen is
A) 4 root mean square of oxygen C) 1/16 root mean square of oxygen
B) ¼ root mean square of oxygen D) 1/6 root mean square of oxygen

Q.5 What is the value of universal gas constant?
A) 8314 Jmol-1K-1                              C) 831.4 Jmol-1K-1
B) 83.14 Jmol-1K-2                             D) 8.314 Jmol-1K-2

Q.7 A gas containing ‘N’ number of molecules of a gas having mass of each molecule ‘m’ is in a cubic container having length of each side ‘a’. What is the density of gas contained in cube?
A) N/a2                                                                  C) Nm/a3
B) m/a3                                                                                 D) Na3/m

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