physics mcqs for entry test

Q.20 For what CAT stands in X­ray technology?
A) Capacitor Amplifier Transistor                        C) Cathode Anode Technique
Computerized Axial Tomography                    D) Current Amplification Technology
Q.21 During the production of LASER, when the excited state E2 contains more number of atoms than the ground state E1, the state is known as:
A) Population inversion                          C) Excited state
B) Ground State                                    D) Metastable state
Q.23 Bones absorb greater amount of incident X­rays than flesh. This is because of the fact that
A) Bones lie between the flesh                           C) Bones contain material of low densities
B) Bones are light in color                                  D)
Bones contain material of high densities
Q.24 Which of the following techniques is the practical application of X­rays?
A) Magnetic Resonance Imaging                        C) Computerized Axial Topography
B) Ultrasonography                                            D) Positron Emission Tomography

Q.26 Which one of the following has the largest energy content?
A) γ-rays                                   C) Infra-red radiations
B) X-rays                                   D) Ultra-violet radiations

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