physics mcq questions and answers

Q.27 What will be the energy of accelerated electron used to produce X-rays when the
accelerating potential is 2 kV?
A) 2 x 10-19 J                                         C) 3.2 x 1019 J
B) 1.6 x 10-19
J                                      D) 3.2 x 10-16 J
Q.28 Process of generating three dimensional images of objects by using laser beam is called
A) Photography                                      C) Holography
B) 3-D cinema                                       D) Tomography
Q.29 In the case when the electrons lose all their kinetic energy (K.E.) in the first collision, the X­ray photon emitted has which of the following set of frequency and wavelength?
A) fmax, λmin                                                         C) fmin, λmax
B) fmax, λmax                                                        D) fmin, λmin
Q.30 The potential difference between target and cathode of an X-rays tube is 20 kV and current is 20 mA. What is the λmin of the emitted X­ray?
A) 6.19 x 10-4 m                                    C) 6.19 x 10-11 m
B) 6.19 x 10-14
m                                   D) 6.19 x 10-19 m
Q.32 One method of creating an inverted population is known as _________ and consist of
illuminating the laser material with light.
A) Optical Pumping                                C) Bremsstrahlung
C) Excitation                                         D) Holography
Q.33 In population inversion (Ruby Laser) atoms can reside in the excited state for:
A) 10-11                                                                 C) 10-3
B) 10-8                                                                   D) 10+3

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