State of World Population Report 2019: Key Facts

State of World Population Report 2019: Key Factsb


  • The report is published by United Nations Population Fund.

Key Findings

  • The World’s population is growing at a slower pace since 1950.
  • This increase is population is posing a challenge to sustainable development.
  • The World’s populest country i.e. China’s population has increased to 1.42 billion in 2019 from 803.6 million in 1969.
  • The population growth rate of China has been 0.5 per cent between 2010-2019.
  • For the first time findings related to women that aged between 15-49 has been published.
  • We also see for the very first time data on sexual intercourse with partner, use of contraception and health care on which women can take decision.
  • A negative impact due to absence of reproductive and sexual rights can be seen women’s education, income and safety.  The continuation of early marriage is obstructing female empowerment and of reproductive rights.
  • It’s likely that a girl married at early age of 10 years will leave school which further affects her skills.
  • Least developed countries records the highest share in population growth.
  • Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for 2/3rd of all maternal deaths.
  • Climate disasters and emergencies due conflicts is causing threat to their reproductive rights.
  • The average number of birth per woman has come down to 2.5 from 4.8 in 1969 which is a big positive achievement.

India’s Performance

  • The population growth rate in India has been 1.2 per cent between 2010-2019 which is more than double that of China’s population growth rate.
  • The population of India stood at 1.36 billion.
  • Total fertility rate in India improved from 5.6 in 1969 to 2.3 in 2019.
  • The life expectancy at birth also improved to 69 years in 2019 from 47 years in 1969.
  • 27 per cent of population of the country in the age 0-14 years and 10-24 years, while age group 15-64 accounts for 67 per cent of population.


1. The population growth rate in China between 2010 - 2019 was?
a. 0.4 per cent
b. 0.5 per cent
c. 0.6 per cent
d. 0.7 per cent

2. The total fertility rate in India has improved to?
a. 4.8
b. 2.5
c. 5.6
d. 2.3
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