Pedagogy Culture And Society MCQs With Answers

Online Solved pedagogy MCQs For PST Jobs Tests With Objective Type Question Answers. Learn Online Oedagogy MCQs For SST Jobs Tests. Educators pedagogy and professional responsibilities Questions With Easy Solutions For All Teaching Skills Tests.

Online Solved MCQs Quiz Test For Pedagogy Child Development Early Education
Online Pedagogy Skills Test MCQs

Online Teachers Pedagogy Solved MCQs For NTS Jobs Tests. Child Development Education And Pedagogy is the study of Teaching Skills and Methods. Here you will Learn Helpful Objective Type Quiz Tests For Teaching Jobs.

Pedagogy MCQs Questions And Answers For Teachers

Pedagogy Child Development Education MCQs Quiz List

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Pedagogy Online Early Childhood Education Solved MCQs

Q.1: A teacher should be----------- ?

  1. Honest
  2. Diligent
  3. Dutiful
  4. Punctual


Q.2: Expected life outcomes from education are referred as---------- ?

  1. Learning
  2. Evaluation
  3. Aims
  4. Pedagogy


Q.3: National Education Policy 1970 was headed by---------- ?

  1. Fazal ur Rehman
  2. S.M Sharif
  3. Noor khan
  4. Abdul Hafeez Pirzada


Q.4: According to charter Act 1813, education was the responsibility of---------- ?

  1. Governor
  2. East India company
  3. Madarus
  4. Local Govt


Q.5: Responsible for the curriculum planning and development in Pakistani is--------- ?

  1. Objectivity
  2. Curriculum wing
  3. Affective
  4. Students


Q.6: The importance of curriculum in the system of education is just like a------------ ?

  1. Constitution in a country
  2. Provision of latest knowledge
  3. Preparation of students for service
  4. None


Q.7: How does an effective teacher make students attentive in class ?

  1. By distributing sweets
  2. By punishing naughty children
  3. By making one’s teaching interesting
  4. By telling stories


Q.8: Intelligence level of gifted student is---------- ?

  1. 110
  2. 90
  3. 140 and above
  4. None


Q.9: A curriculum is the sum total of a school efforts to influence a child------- ?

  1. Course
  2. Behavior
  3. Design
  4. Logical sequence


Q.10: Curriculum development refers to the total process of curriculum ?

  1. Designing
  2. Implementing
  3. Evaluating
  4. All


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