Global Drug Survey 2019: Key Facts

Global Drug Survey 2019: Key Facts
  • The Global Drug Survey 2019 was released by the Global Drug Survey which is an independent research organisation based in London, United Kingdom. This was the 8th annual report of the organisation.
  • The Global Drug Survey 2019 is a survey of drug-use across the world. It was based on the data collected from October 29 to October 30 2018.
  • The data was collected from 123,814 people from more than 30 countries of which included 56% of males. The mean age of the people was 29 years and 57% of the people in the sample were aged 25 years or under and 19% aged 35 years and older.

Drug Use-

Out of the 20 most commonly used drugs in the last 12 months:
  • 4 were tobacco/nicotine-based products
  • 6 were psychedelic/dissociative drugs
  • 4 were stimulant drugs
  • 3 were prescription CNS depressants
Top 10 Drugs Used in Last 12 Months (Excluding Alcohol and Tobacco/Nicotine Products)
  1. Cannabis
  2. MDMA
  3. Cocaine
  4. Amphetamines
  5. LSD
  6. Magic mushrooms
  7. Benzodiazepines
  8. Prescription opioids
  9. Ketamine
  10. Nitrous oxide


  • According to GDS 2019, GDS respondents got drunk 33 times on an average in the last 12 months.
  • Globally, GDS participants who drank alcohol in the last 12 months were reported regretting getting drunk on 20% of occasions. Other than this, 38% of the GDS participants who drank alcohol in the last 12 months wanted to drink less next year.


  • Overall, 65% of the GDS participants were reported using cocaine on 10 or fewer occasions.
  • 85% of the participants who used the drug were ready to pay more for the drug.

Cannabis & Health

  • More than 55,000 GDS respondents who used cannabis in the last year evaluated 6 cannabis health information labels addressing the risk of dependence, smoking harms, effects on those aged 21 years and under, driving risk, and the impact on memory and motivation. 

Prescription Opioids

  • 16.5% of the GDS 2019 sample was found to use prescription Opioids
  • The use of prescription opioids in the last year was highest in Australia (30%), the USA (29%) and England (28%).

India Specific Findings

  • According to the survey, Indians were reported ‘being drunk’ on an average of 41 times in the last 12 months out of nearly 1, 00,000 respondents from 30 countries.
  • The survey also highlighted that Alcohol, tobacco and cannabis are the most commonly used drugs by Indians.
  • The survey also reported that in comparison to respondents from other countries, Indians are seeking more help for reducing their alcohol intake.
  • Around 6% of females in India were reported seeking ‘emergency medical treatment’ in the last 12 months while no males in the country were reported seeking emergency medical treatment. The global female average seeking emergency medical treatment is 13%.
  • The survey highlighted that Indians enjoyed ‘being drunk’ on 71% of the occasions.
  • 43% of the 250 Indians surveyed were reported using cannabis.

Quick Facts-

  • The Global Drug Survey 2020 will be released on November 2019.
  • The Global Drug Survey, which is an independent organisation, was formed in the year 2011.


Q1. Where is the headquarters of the Global Drug Survey?
1. London
2. New York
3. Washington DC
4. Paris
5. Geneva

Answer- (1) London
The Global Drug Survey, which is an independent research organisation, is headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It was formed in the year 2011. The organisation releases Global Drug Survey which produces a report on the drug-use across the world.

Q2. According to the Global Drug Survey 2019, what per cent of females in India was reported seeking medical emergency in the last 12 months?
1. 10 percent
2. 8 percent
3. 6 percent
4. 14 percent
5. 7 percent

Answer- (3) 6 percent
According to Global Drug Survey 2019, around 6% of females in India were reported seeking ‘emergency medical treatment’ in the last 12 months while no males in the country were reported seeking emergency medical treatment. The global female average seeking emergency medical treatment is 13%.

Q3. According to the Global Drug Survey 2019, Indians were reported ‘being drunk’ on an average of _______ times in the last 12 months.

1. 60 times
2. 41 times
3. 25 times
4. 30 times
5. 45 times

Answer- (2) 41 times
According to the survey, Indians were reported ‘being drunk’ on an average of 41 times in the last 12 months out of nearly 1, 00,000 respondents from 30 countries.
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