Chemistry set 18

Q.7 Radon is _______ emitter and being radioactive is used in ________ treatment in radiotherapy:
A) β, cancer C) α, kidney stone
α, cancer D) β, kidney stone

Q.8 Which one of the following noble gases is used for providing an inert atmosphere for welding?
A) Helium C) Argon
B) Neon D) Krypton

Q.9 On the basis of oxidizing power of halogens, which reaction is possible?
A) I2 + 2Clˉ Cl2 + 2Iˉ C) Cl2 + 2Fˉ F2 + 2Clˉ
B) Br2 + 2Iˉ I2 + 2Brˉ D) I2 + 2Brˉ Br2 + 2Iˉ
Q.10 Which one of the following gases is used as mixture for breathing by sea divers?
A) Oxygen and Nitrogen C) Helium and Oxygen
B) Nitrogen and Helium D) Helium and Hydrogen

Q.11 2NaOH(aq) + Cl2(g) NaCl + NaClO + H2O proceed at:
A) 500 °C C) -10 °C
B) 200 °C D)
15 °C
Q.12 Which halogen molecule ‘X2’ has lowest dissociation energy?
A) Cl2 C) I2
B) Br2 D) F2

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