Bio set 7

Q.16   Exchange of segments between homologous chromosomes is called
A) Segregation           C) Crossing over
B) Independent assortment         D) Mutation
Q.17   If a person has 44 autosomes + XXY, he will suffer from
A) Klinefelter’s syndrome         C) Turner’s syndrome
B) Down’s syndrome          D) Edward’s syndrome
Q.18   The ribosomal RNA is synthesized and stored in
A) Endoplasmic reticulum         C) Golgi complex
B) Nucleolus            D) Chromosomes
Q.19   In which stage of Interphase, there is increase in cell size and many biochemical are formed?
A) G2 phase             C) S phase
B) G1 phase             D) C phase
Q.20  In Down’s syndrome, which one of the following pair of chromosome fails to segregate?
A) 7              C) 21
B) 18             D) 19

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