Bio set 45

Q.11  In an ecosystem mycorrhizae are an example of:
A) Predation            C) Mutualism
B) Symbiosis            D) Parasitism
Q.12  As a result of destruction of ozone layer there is significant increase in:
A) Ultra-violet radiations         C) Nitrogen oxide
B) Greenhouse gases          D) Sulphur oxide
Q.13  Higher rate of a biological activity in a nutrient rich pond water is called:
A) Water pollution          C) Eutrophication
B) Air pollution           D) Industrial effects
Q.14  Living part of ecosystem is:
A) lithosphere           C) Community
B) Hydrosphere           D) Biosphere
Q.15  A living association between two living organisms of different species which is beneficial to both
the partners is called:
A) Commensalism           C) Mutualism
B) Parasitism            D) Predation

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