
PPSC Paper For ASI Punjab Police solved

PPSC Paper for Punjab POlice ASI

1. Which was the  first chief justice of pakistan? Mian Abdul Rashid
2. Hazrat umar farooq embraced islam after hearing which surha? Taha
3. Masjid e nabvi ki tameer kis hijri main shuru hui ?
4. 1973 ka aeen kis nay suspend kia? Zia Ul Haq
5. fatima jinah ka paisha kia tha ? Dentist
6. Who is President of France ? Francois Hollande.
7. Who is capital of Turki? Ankara
8. Where is Gaunntanamobay?Cuba
9. What is called afghan pakistan bodar? durand line
10. What is oppsite of confine and hostil
11. Who presented theory of relativity? einstine
12. india main pehly women jis ny hakomat ki razia sultana
13. pakistan ki pehly aurat jis ny election main hisa liya fatima jinnaha
14. kis sahabi ny nabi kream (PBUH) k sath tmam ghazwat main hisa liya hazrat abu bakar saddique
15. hazrat abu bakar saddiqe ny quran ki tartitb kis sahabi k suprd ki
16. kia lafaz aye ga 2/?=?/50 10
17. if a shoes is sold in rs 220.20% is the profit then what is the actual price of shoes ? 198
18. anar kali darama kis ny likh imtiaz ali taj
19. shimla declaration k waqat india ki pm indra gandhi
20. 14 nakat kis report k jawab main diye gay Nehro report
21. turki k saddar ka nam tyab ordagan
22. the gas use in advertising light option argan
23. mosad kis ki inteligence egncy hy.israil
24. aima arba kitny hn ans 4
25. yadgary ghalib ki ny likhi… hali
26. boreh ghori lal lagam zurb misl
27. dobtay ko tinky ka sahar mahara hy
28. bajang ka??? kis ki tsneef hy
29. cosspitation (kabaz) kis ki kami se hoti hy? fiber
30. Australia k new saddar ka nam
31. correct spell immeditly
32. pakistan k north m china
33. pakistan asia k south m hy
34. renueable sours of energy water
35. natioalization ki qarardad sb se pehly kis ny pesh ki
36. coach of pakistan cricket team
37. tenure of chief election commisionr—-5
38. wr iz qissa khawni bazaar—-peshawar
39. wr iz gomal university———di khan
40. 1 billion iz equal to
41. which food contain highest concentration of protien nd iron
42. founder of wikileaks
43. olympics games held after how many years—-4
44. biology iz the study of——–plants and animals
45. who was the sher e bangaal———a k fazul haq
46. Mohammad younis from banladesh won nobel prize in
47. conditional release of prisioner after expiry of his term called
48. jovinile prisioner are under the age of
49. scotland yard situated in which country—–England
50. muslim leage formed at———–Dhaka
51. which country has no railway————-afghanistan
52. sulah hodebia ki sharait kis ne likhi thi
53. devis cup is associated with—–tennis
54. tiger wood is the playert of which game
55. who is the ruler of kashmir in 1947——-hari singh
56. chlorophil take place which part of plant,,,,,,,leafs
57. Reqodeq project is the project of————Copper and Gold Project
58. main cause of tsunami—-ocean wave
59. the scientist whose books are thought in europe till 18th cenyuary
60. how many administrative district of punjab
61. white flag iz the symbol of
62. match stick formed by which chemical
63. baba urdu kise kehte hain……….molivi abdul haq
64. author of awaaz dos
65. author of yadon ki baraat
66. kivi mastly found in……newziland
67. jinnah join musl leage in….1913
68. cokroch have blod colur….white
69. amnesty international works for….human rights
70. naqsh e feryaadi kis ki tasneef hy
Islamiat Part
Hija tul wida kis sun hijri m hua…..
Hazrat Abubakr ny kis sahabi ko quran ki jama tadveen ka kam sonpa….
Hazrat Dawood pr konsi kitab nazil hui…
Aima arba kitny hn….
Suleh Hudebia ki shrait kis sahabi ny kal bnd kien…
Kis sahabi ny hazrat Muhammad k sath tmam ghazwat m shrkat ki….
kis muslim tabib ki kitab europe m parhai jati rhi 18 sadi tk…
Quran majid ki pehli wahi m kitni ayat nazil hui….
Masjid nabvi ki tameer kb hui….
Hazrat Umar ny kis surat sy impress ho kr isalam qabool kia….

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