General Knowledge

South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is an organization which comprises of seven South Asian states viz. India, Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Maldives. Its formation in 1985. Currently, Afghanistanis also the member of SAARC. Hence, total member are of 8 countries. The Headquarters of SAARC Secretariat are in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Three countries viz. Turkey, Pakistan and Iran laid the foundation of Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) in 1985. Currently, ECO comprises of ten countries viz. Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan.  The Headquarter of ECO is located in Tehran, Iran.

 Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) was established in September 1969 in Rabat (Morocco). The inaugural meeting was attended by 24 heads of Muslim countries. In this meeting, the OIC condemned the desecration of Al-Aqsa mosque by the Jews. Currently, the membership of this body has increased to 57. Currently, the HQ of OIC is at Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Here is the NTS Educator MCQs Paper. Question are related to General Knowledge and Computer Science. These question remain the part of NTS paper for educator test on 27 dec, 2017 for educator recruitement in 2018.

1.                  The European country that united after the demise of Berlin Wall in 1989 is:
a.       Poland
b.      Germany
c.       Ireland
d.      Yugoslavia
2.                  The group Boko Haram originates from:
a.      Niger
b.      Nigeria
c.       Somalia
d.      Rwanda
3.                  In October 2017, which country declared that the trade agree with Pakistan has been expired?
a.       India
b.      Afghanistan
c.       Iran
d.      NATO countries
4.                  The famous Khyber Pass is situated in:
a.      Safed Koh Mountains
b.      Hindu Kush Mountains
c.       Suleman Mountains
d.      Kuther Mountains
5.                  Rabi crops part (such as wheat, gram) are grown in:
a.       Summer
b.      Winter
c.       Autumn
d.      Spring
6.                  If it is difficult to find a file from hard disk, which of the following techniques will you use to find it?
a.       Click on “Start” button then click on “All Programs” and search your file here.
b.      Click on “Start” button, write name of file in Windows Search box an click on icon.
c.       Click on “Start” button then click on default programs
d.      Click on “Start” button then click on “My Documents”.
7.                  What is the smallest font size available that you can apply on a text in MS Word 2007?
a.       12
b.      8
c.       10
d.      6
8.                  Which of the following is NOT characterized as social networking portal?
a.       Facebook
b.      Twitter
c.       Delicious
d.      Amazon
9.                  How can you cut some of the lines of text in MS Word 2007?
a.      Select the text and press Ctrl + X
b.      Select the text and press Ctrl + Z
c.       Select the text and press Shift + Y
d.      Select the text and click on header
10.              How can you check the used space of any Hard Drive in Windows?
a.       Right click on any drive and click Create shortcut.
b.      Double click on any drive and select Format.
c.       Double click on any drive and select properties.

d.      Right click on any drive and select properties

Most Important MCQs Question for NTS Educator Test 2017 - 2018. General Knowledge and Pakistan Studies 

    1.      Which is the Capital of Tajkistan?  Doshunbe
2.               The national game of Pakistan is Hockey
3.               Pakistan national tree is Deodar.
4.               Pakistan national juice is Sugarcane Juice.
5.               National Bird of Pakistan is Chukor.
6.               National animal of Pakistan is Markhor.
7.               Hafeez Jallandhri composed the verses of the National Anthem.
8.               Abdulkarim Chagla composed the tune of National Anthem of Pakistan.
9.               Changa Manga is the largest jungle of Pakistan.
10.         Line of Control which is abbreviated as LOC has total length 720 Km.
11.         In 1954, Pakistani Government approved National Anthem.
12.         Chief Election Commissioner in Pakistan is appointed for the period of 3 years.
13.         In 1961, Jasmine was selected as the national flower of Pakistan.
14.         The ostrich is the world largest bird.

Islamiyat & Social Studies 

1.                  What is Istelam:
a.       Salam to Kaaba
b.      Salam to Hajra Aswad
c.       Kissing Hajra Aswad
d.      Praying at Muqam-e-Ibrahim
2.                  The original name of Imam Bukhari is:
a.       Saeed bin Hatem
b.      Ali
c.       Zaid
d.      Muhammad bin Ismail
3.                  Namaz-e-Istisqa is prayer for:
a.       Blessing of God
b.      Pardon
c.       Rain
d.      Sleep
4.                  Hajj is not completed unless you go to:
a.       Makkah
b.      Medina
c.       Mina
d.      Arafat
5.                  Which one of the following is included amongst the Ushera-e-Mubhashera:
a.       Saad Bin Ubaid
b.      Saad bin Abada
c.       Saad Bin Abi waqas
d.      Hazart Hamza
e.       None of these
6.                  How may articles are there in 1973 constitution?
a.       240 articles
b.      260 articles
c.       280 articles
d.      300 articles
7.                  In 1973 Constitution, whose were declared non muslims?
a.      Qadiyanis
b.      Hindus
c.       Christians
d.      Jews
8.                  Pakistan National Flag was prepared by
a.       Abdur Rehman Chugtai
b.      Liaqat Ali
c.       Ch. Rehmat Ali
d.      Ameer-ud-din Qadwai
9.                  Pakistan Standard Time was suggested by
a.       Liaqat Ali Khan
b.      Maulana Mazhar ud Din
c.       Ch Rehmat Ali
d.      Prof. Muhammad Anwar
10.              The highest mountain of KPK is _______?
a.       K-2
b.      Tirch Mir
c.       Nanga Parbat
d.      All of them

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