
General Knowledge G.K NTS MCQs Solved Questions

1.                  Jens Stoltenberg, new Secretary General of NATO belongs to which country?
a.      Norway
b.      USA
c.       Australia
d.      UK
2.                  Next SAARC summit will be held in?
a.      Pakistan
b.      Bangladesh
c.       Nepal
d.      India
3.                  The Netherlands is the new name of:
a.       New Hebrides
b.      Lesotho
c.       Nyasaland
d.      Holland
4.                  Gobi desert is situated in
a.      Magnolia
b.      India
c.       Russia
d.      Syria
5.                  Which is the highest mountain peak of the world?
a.      Mount Everest
b.      K2
c.       Nanga Parbat
d.      None of these
6.                  The Leaning Tower is located in
a.      Germany
b.      Italy
c.       France
d.      Paris
7.                  Which of the following is a gas?
a.       Thorium
b.      Plutonium
c.       Mercury
d.      Chlorine
8.                  Which is the longest river in the world?
a.      Nile
b.      Amazon
c.       Volga
d.      Mississippi
9.                  In which year was the Nobel Prize instituted?
a.       1896
b.      1901
c.       1876
d.      1900
10.              Which of the following countries is known as the Land of Midnight Sun?
a.       Belgium
b.      Holland
c.       Norway
d.      Sweden

11.                  Who was the first person to reach North Pole?
a.       James Clark
b.      John Ross
c.       Robert-e-Peary
d.      None of the above
12.                  Who won 2015 ICC Cricket World Cup was held in Australia & New Zealand?
a.       New Zealand
b.      England
c.       Australia
d.      India
13.                  Malaria is a disease which affects the
a.       Heart
b.      Lungs
c.       Spleen
d.      Kidney
14.                  Night blindness is due to lack of
a.      Vitamin A
b.      Vitamin B
c.       Vitamin C
d.      Vitamin D
15.                  East India Company established in
a.       1578
b.      1614
c.       1600
d.      1609
16.                  The Eiffel Tower is located in
a.      Germany
b.      France
c.       Italy
d.      Australia
17.                  The famous poem “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” is written by
a.       William Shakespeare
b.      Jane Taylor
c.       Charles Dickens
d.      William Wordsworth
18.                  Which is the largest wind power producer country in the world?
a.      China
b.      USA
c.       Brazil
d.      Canada
19.                  Which is the second largest wind power producer country in the world?
a.       China
b.      USA
c.       Brazil
d.      Canada
20.              Which of the following Vitamins is synthesized in the body by intestinal bacteria?
a.       Vitamin B1
b.      Vitamin B4
c.       Vitamin D
d.      Vitamin K
21.                  Who was the first viceroy of India?
a.       Lord Ripon
b.      Lord Canning
c.       Lord Curzon
d.      Lord Mayo
22.                  Napoleon Bona parte was the king of
a.      France
b.      Italy
c.       Russia
d.      Spain
23.                  Dialysis is used for people with defective:
a.       Liver
b.      Kidneys
c.       Heart
d.      Diffusion
24.                  Harapa is located in
a.       Sukhur
b.      Larkana
c.       Thatha
d.      Sahiwal
25.                  Mohenjodaro is also known as Mound of the Dead Located in:
a.      Sukhur
b.      Larkana
c.       Thatha
d.      Sahiwal
26.                  Steve Jobs was an American and founder of
a.      Apple
b.      Google
c.       Yahoo
d.      Oracle
27.                  BIN is an intelligence agency of
a.      Indonesia
b.      China
c.       Bangladesh
d.      Belarus
28.                  “Digital Computer” was invented by
a.      Howard Aiken
b.      Steve Jobs
c.       Charles Babbage
d.      James Watson
29.                  Which is the hardest substance in the human body?
a.      Enamel
b.      Nail
c.       Bone
d.      None of these
30.              East India Company occupied Punjab in
a.       1846
b.      1845
c.       1848
d.      1849
31.                  Which of the followings are Scandinavian countries?
a.       Denmark, Latvia and Lithuania
b.      Carolina, Latvia and Lithuania
c.       Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
d.      Sweden, Norway and Denmark
32.                  Who was the President of USA during World War I?
a.       Theodore Roosevelt
b.      Calvin Coolidge
c.       James Buchanan
d.      Woodrow Wilson
33.                  Nelson Mandela remain in prison for years
a.       23 years
b.      25 years
c.       27 years
d.      29 years
34.                  From which country Gawadar was purchased?
a.      Oman (Masqat)
b.      Qatar
c.       Yemen
d.      Bahrain
35.                  Urdu is our national language. Which language was declared as the official language of the country under the 1973 Constitution?
a.       English
b.      Urdu
c.       Both a & b
d.      Urdu & Sindhi
36.                  Quaid-e-Azam joined Muslim League in
a.      1913
b.      1912
c.       1911
d.      1914
37.                  Who wrote the constitution of Muslim League?
a.       Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
b.      Allama Iqbal
c.       Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar
d.      Liaquat Ali Khan
38.                  Quaid-e-Azam joined Muslim League on the request of
a.       Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
b.      Allama Iqbal
c.       Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar
d.      Liaquat Ali Khan
39.                  Who coined the name of All India Muslim League?
a.       Sir Zafar Ullah Khan
b.      Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar
c.       Nawab Saleem Ullah Khan
d.      Sir Muhammad Shafi
40.              Who was the founder of All India Muslim League?
a.       Sir Zafar Ullah Khan
b.      Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar
c.       Nawab Saleem Ullah Khan

d.      Sir Muhammad Shafi

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