Practice Test Advanced Surveying - Set 12

Practice Test: Question Set - 12

1. A star in northern sphere is said to transit
    (A) When its altitude is maximum
    (B) When its azimuth is 180°
    (C) When it is in south
    (D) All the above

2. Invar tapes used for measuring base lines, is made of nickel-iron alloy containing nickel
    (A) 24 %
    (B) 36 %
    (C) 40 %
    (D) 60 %

3. The value of geocentric parallax to be added to the observed altitude of sun is
    (A) 9" cos α
    (B) 9" sin α
    (C) 9" tan α
    (D) 9" cot α

4. In a tropical year, the numbers of sidereal days are
    (A) 365
    (B) 365.2224
    (C) 365.2422
    (D) 366.2422

5. Homologous point is
    (A) Photo principal point
    (B) Ground principal point
    (C) Ground isocenter
    (D) All the above

6. Perspective centre relates to
    (A) Parallel projection
    (B) Orthogonal projection
    (C) Central projection
    (D) None of these

7. To have greatest coverage of the area, the type of photography used, is
    (A) High oblique
    (B) Low oblique
    (C) Vertical
    (D) None of these

8. The moon rotates round the earth once in every
    (A) 29 days
    (B) 29.35 days
    (C) 29.53 days
    (D) 30 days

9. The angle between the observer's meridian and declination circle of a heavenly body, is known as
    (A) Hour angle
    (B) Azimuth
    (C) Right ascension
    (D) Declination

10. Places having same latitude
    (A) Lie on the parallel of the latitude
    (B) Are equidistant from the nearer pole
    (C) Are equidistant from both the poles
    (D) All the above

11. The product of the distances of plumb point and horizon point of a vertical photograph from its principal point, is
    (A) f2
    (B) 2f2
    (C) 3f2
    (D) ½f

12. The net ground area of a vertical photograph 20 cm × 20 cm on scale 1 : 10,000 having overlaps 60% and 30%, is
    (A) 0.50 sq km
    (B) 0.56 sq km
    (C) 0.60 sq km
    (D) 0.64 sq km

13. The Polaris remains below horizon at
    (A) 10° N
    (B) 50° N Latitude
    (C) Equator
    (D) 5° S latitude

14. The average eye base is assumed as
    (A) 58 mm
    (B) 60 mm
    (C) 62 mm
    (D) 64 mm

15. The declination and right ascension of the sun becomes 23° 27' S and 270° respectively on
    (A) March 21
    (B) June 21
    (C) September 21
    (D) December 22

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