Advanced Surveying Multiple Choice Test

Practice Test: Question Set - 13

1. At western elongation, the pole star moves
    (A) Eastward
    (B) Westward
    (C) Northward
    (D) Southward

2. The difference of parallax for a given difference in elevation is independent of
    (A) Focal length of the camera
    (B) Overall size of the photo graphs
    (C) Percentage of overlap
    (D) All the above

3. The maximum error in radial line assumption, is
    (A) h/H f tan θ
    (B) h/Hf² tan θ
    (C) h/H f² sin θ
    (D) h/H f cos θ

4. The great circle whose plane is perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the earth, is called
    (A) Equator
    (B) Terrestrial equator
    (C) 0° latitude
    (D) All the above

5. The rate of change of parallax dp/dh with respect to change in h, may be expressed as
    (A) fB/(H - h)
    (B) fB/(H - h)2
    (C) fB/(H + h)
    (D) fB/(H + h)2

6. At lower culmination, the pole star moves
    (A) Eastward
    (B) Westward
    (C) Northward
    (D) Southward

7. The principal plane contains
    (A) Nadir point
    (B) Iso-centre
    (C) Principal point
    (D) All the above

8. If a star whose declination is 60° N culminates at zenith, its altitude at the lower culmination, is
    (A) 10°
    (B) 20°
    (C) 30°
    (D) 40°

9. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
    (A) The plane passing through the perspective centre of a stereo pair and a ground point, is known as basal plane
    (B) Each pair of image points on stereo pair have their own basal plane
    (C) Relative orientation means reconstructing the basal plane
    (D) All the above

10. The Polaris describes a small circle round the pole whose radius is approximately
    (A) 1°
    (B) 2°
    (C) 3°
    (D) 4°

11. The normal longitudinal overlap is generally kept
    (A) 50 %
    (B) 60 %
    (C) 70 %
    (D) 75 %

12. In a truly vertical photograph,
    (A) Principal point coincides the isocenter
    (B) Iso-centre coincides the plumb point
    (C) Plumb point coincides the principal point
    (D) All the above

13. Parallax bar measures
    (A) Parallax
    (B) Height
    (C) Parallax difference
    (D) Height difference

14. The time interval between successive transits of the moon, is
    (A) 24 hours 10 minutes
    (B) 20 hours 25 minutes
    (C) 24 hours 50 minutes
    (D) 23 hours 50 minutes

15. From the principal point the horizon point lies on the principal line at a distance of
    (A) f tan θ
    (B) f sin θ
    (C) f cot θ
    (D) f cos θ

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