Practice Test: Question Set - 08
1. Solution of Laplacian equation in three dimensions d²φ/dx² + d²φ/dy² + d²φ/dz² = 0 of water in a syphon, is done by
- (A) Analytical method
- (B) Khosla's method
- (C) Method of relaxation
- (D) Unwin's method
2. In North Indian Plains, optimum depth of kor watering for wheat, is
- (A) 23.0 cm
- (B) 19.0 cm
- (C) 17.5 cm
- (D) 13.5 cm
3. A water-logged land is found suitable for cultivation due to
- (A) Ease of tillage for preparation of the field for optimum condition of germination
- (B) Absence of aeration of soil from root zone of the plant
- (C) Regular supply of water to plants from the water table by capillary action
- (D) None of these
4. Attracting groynes are built
- (A) Perpendicular to the bank
- (B) Inclined down stream
- (C) Inclined up stream
- (D) None of these
5. The optimum depth of kor watering for a rice crop, is
- (A) 23.0 cm
- (B) 19.0 cm
- (C) 17.5 cm
- (D) 13.5 cm
6. Which one of the following statements is correct?
- (A) The canal system and the drainage system are complementary
- (B) The canal system runs on ridges, gets divided into smaller channels and spreads its water on the land
- (C) The drainage system runs along the lowest line, collects drainage water from the slopes and joins the main stream
- (D) All the above
7. For cereal crops the most commonly adopted method of irrigation, is
- (A) Free flowing method
- (B) Check method
- (C) Furrow method
- (D) Sprinkling method
8. If D is the depth of water upstream of the throat above its sill, B is the width of the throat, to achieve critical flow in an open venturi flume, the theoretical maximum flow Q, is
- (A) Q = 1.71 BD1/2
- (B) Q = 1.71 BD
- (C) Q = 1.71 BD3/2
- (D) Q = 1/71 BD2/3
9. The intensity of irrigation means
- (A) Percentage of culturable commanded area to be irrigated annually
- (B) Percentage of gross commanded area to be irrigated annually
- (C) Percentage of the mean of culturable commanded area and the gross commanded area to be irrigated annually
- (D) Total depth of water supplied by the number of waterings
10. Retrogression of the bed level of a river downstream a weir, occurs due to
- (A) Heavy impact of water
- (B) Increase of the bed level
- (C) Less percentage of silt
- (D) Soft soil strata
11. Meandering of a river generally occurs, in
- (A) Rocky stage
- (B) Delta stage
- (C) Boulder stage
- (D) Trough stage
12. For designing the venturi head,
- (A) Width of the throat should not be less than one-third of the bed width of main canal
- (B) Length of the throat should be 2.5 times the depth measured to F.S.L. in the main canal
- (C) Minimum throat width should not be less than 60 cm
- (D) All the above
13. Disposal of extra excavated earth of canals, is utilized to provide a spoil bank on
- (A) Left side
- (B) Right side
- (C) Both sides
- (D) All the above
14. In a concrete canal the approximate permissible velocity of water should not exceed
- (A) 0.5 m/sec
- (B) 1 m/sec
- (C) 1.5 m/sec
- (D) 2 m/sec
15. Lacy's regime condition is obtained if
- (A) Silt grade in the channel is variable
- (B) Discharge in the channel is variable
- (C) Silt charge in the channel is variable
- (D) Channel flows in unlimited, incoherent alluvium of the same character as that transported material