
Objective Type Questions and Answers in Irrigation Engineering - Set 08

Practice Test: Question Set - 08

1. Solution of Laplacian equation in three dimensions d²φ/dx² + d²φ/dy² + d²φ/dz² = 0 of water in a syphon, is done by
    (A) Analytical method
    (B) Khosla's method
    (C) Method of relaxation
    (D) Unwin's method

2. In North Indian Plains, optimum depth of kor watering for wheat, is
    (A) 23.0 cm
    (B) 19.0 cm
    (C) 17.5 cm
    (D) 13.5 cm

3. A water-logged land is found suitable for cultivation due to
    (A) Ease of tillage for preparation of the field for optimum condition of germination
    (B) Absence of aeration of soil from root zone of the plant
    (C) Regular supply of water to plants from the water table by capillary action
    (D) None of these

4. Attracting groynes are built
    (A) Perpendicular to the bank
    (B) Inclined down stream
    (C) Inclined up stream
    (D) None of these

5. The optimum depth of kor watering for a rice crop, is
    (A) 23.0 cm
    (B) 19.0 cm
    (C) 17.5 cm
    (D) 13.5 cm

6. Which one of the following statements is correct?
    (A) The canal system and the drainage system are complementary
    (B) The canal system runs on ridges, gets divided into smaller channels and spreads its water on the land
    (C) The drainage system runs along the lowest line, collects drainage water from the slopes and joins the main stream
    (D) All the above

7. For cereal crops the most commonly adopted method of irrigation, is
    (A) Free flowing method
    (B) Check method
    (C) Furrow method
    (D) Sprinkling method

8. If D is the depth of water upstream of the throat above its sill, B is the width of the throat, to achieve critical flow in an open venturi flume, the theoretical maximum flow Q, is
    (A) Q = 1.71 BD1/2
    (B) Q = 1.71 BD
    (C) Q = 1.71 BD3/2
    (D) Q = 1/71 BD2/3

9. The intensity of irrigation means
    (A) Percentage of culturable commanded area to be irrigated annually
    (B) Percentage of gross commanded area to be irrigated annually
    (C) Percentage of the mean of culturable commanded area and the gross commanded area to be irrigated annually
    (D) Total depth of water supplied by the number of waterings

10. Retrogression of the bed level of a river downstream a weir, occurs due to
    (A) Heavy impact of water
    (B) Increase of the bed level
    (C) Less percentage of silt
    (D) Soft soil strata

11. Meandering of a river generally occurs, in
    (A) Rocky stage
    (B) Delta stage
    (C) Boulder stage
    (D) Trough stage

12. For designing the venturi head,
    (A) Width of the throat should not be less than one-third of the bed width of main canal
    (B) Length of the throat should be 2.5 times the depth measured to F.S.L. in the main canal
    (C) Minimum throat width should not be less than 60 cm
    (D) All the above

13. Disposal of extra excavated earth of canals, is utilized to provide a spoil bank on
    (A) Left side
    (B) Right side
    (C) Both sides
    (D) All the above

14. In a concrete canal the approximate permissible velocity of water should not exceed
    (A) 0.5 m/sec
    (B) 1 m/sec
    (C) 1.5 m/sec
    (D) 2 m/sec

15. Lacy's regime condition is obtained if
    (A) Silt grade in the channel is variable
    (B) Discharge in the channel is variable
    (C) Silt charge in the channel is variable
    (D) Channel flows in unlimited, incoherent alluvium of the same character as that transported material

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