Teaching methods in Education Set 1

Mcqs Test Preparation
Pedagogy MCQs

Style of teaching
Way of teaching
Substitution of the knowledge from outer world into child's intellect
Way of teaching

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Various techniques
Way of teaching
Many postures
many posture

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An art
A science
Both art and science
can’t say science

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Attain the Objective
Develop perfection in learning situation
Deliver organized teaching
all of above

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Teaching method
Teaching tactics
Teaching skill
Teaching process method

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Lecture method
Lecture-cum Demonstrative method
Assignment method
Discussion method

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To memorized the fact
express belief in traditional Agencies
To depend on teacher's authority
all of above

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Teacher’s authority
Neglect of innovations
All of the Above

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All of the Above

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To develop the learning abilities in children in free way
To Develop the skills in children
To develop independence in students
All of the Above

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To formulate the problematic situations
To collect the material and resources for the children
To help the children in formulation of their hypotheses
All of the Above

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The development of high level inquiry Methods in children
Imparting full freedom to of Children
Enhancing the potentialities of the children
All of the Above

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Centered Child methods
Teacher-centered methods
Both of the above
none of the above

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Child-centered Methods
Student- centered methods
Both of the above
None of the above

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Teacher leisure
Communication of factual information
none of the above

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Lecture method
Heuristic method
Assignment method
Project method

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Lecture method
Assignment method
Project method
None of the above

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Lack In scientific attitude
Devoid of the principle of learning by doing
A one-way teaching process
All of the above

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Project method
Assignment method
Lecture method
Discussion method

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Intellectual skills

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High school students
Intermediate students
Graduate students
All of the above

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Well- organized and systematic
Medium level with proper modulations
all of the above

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To a great extent
Not at all
Can’t say
Depend on the teacher’s personality

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Fast pace
Time saving
free thinking

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