DMCA Policy of MCQX

  • We don't sell any book or book content
  • We simply Link Freely available Sites Around the internet

If your proprietary material has been listed on or if links to your proprietary material is used through our Blog and you would like to remove material , communicate that details the data listed within our blog. 
If you misrepresent data listed on our website that's infringing on your copyrights. we recommend that you just first contact to associate professional for legal help on this matter.

The following content should be attached in your Content Copyright claim:

  • Provide proof of the authorized person on behalf of the owner of that is allegedly infringed
  • Provide contact data so we have to contact you. You additionally add a legitimate valid email address.
  • Must be signed by the approved person to act on behalf of the owner of that's allegedly being infringed.

Send the written infringement notice to the subsequent on email address "".
Do not forget to say "copyright infringement" in subject.

Please permit 1-2 business days for associate email response. 

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