Physical parts of computer are:
Computer gives results after are
Among data storage devices the least reliable is:
The name of first Arithmetic Machine is:
Napier bones
Difference Engine
The father of the modern Computer is :
John Napier
Charles Babbage
Herman Hollerith
Blaise pascal
Abacus is also called as:
Difference Engine
Counting frame
Micro computer is also called as:
Personal Computer
Laptop Computer
Note book Computer
All of above
In how many groups are computers classified by size?
Computer at measures data in a continuous process is called:
Analog Computer
Digital Computer
Hybrid Compute
None of above
Which is not the input unit?
Which is not output device?
Computer that represents physical quantities in figures is
Analog Computer
Digital Computer
Hybrid Computer
None of above
Which is the part of Computer?
View, edits and file are present on:
Standard tool bar
Formatting tool bar
Machine language consists of:
Central processing unit (CPU) consists of:
Control unit
Arithmetic/logic unit
The type of computer by size is:
Micro computer
Mini computer
The function of input device is:
To enter the data
To receive the data
To process the data
All above
The function of output device is:
To enter the data
To receive the data
To process the data
To process the data
Which one is not the example of digital computers?
Digital thermometer
Digital watches
Analog clock
Main frame computer
Different from others is:
Secondary storage devices is:
The type of computer by structure (type) is:
Analog Computer
Digital Computer
Hybrid Computer
All above