
Top 100 Most Repeated Letter R Words For Competitive Exams

 Most Repeated 100 English Words with Letter R with complete meanings in URDU and English. These English words are helpful for upcoming exams tests of PPSC - Public Service Commission Competitive Government Jobs tests. These words are most important for Lecturer Jobs tests for both Male and Female In Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, KPK teaching tests.

Top 100 Word Meanings
Letter R Words With Meanings In URDU English

Letter R English Most Difficult Words Meanings For Competitive Exams

Sr. Words URDU Meanings English Meanings
1 Raconteur قصے سنانے والا A Person Skilled In Telling Anecdotes
2 Radical بنیاد پرست A Person Who Has Revolutionary Ideas Or Opinions
3 Rambunctious بھڑکنے والا Noisy And Lacking In Restraint Or Discipline
4 Ramification شاخ در شاخ ہونا A Consequence, Especially One That Causes Complications
5 Rampant روز بروز بڑھتی ہوئی Occurring Or Increasing In An Unrestrained Way
6 Rancor تعصب A Feeling Of Deep And Bitter Anger And Ill-Will
7 Rapport تعلق A Relationship Of Mutual Understanding Between People
8 Rarefied نایاب Of High Moral Or Intellectual Value
9 Rationalization معذرت کرنا A Defense Mechanism Explaining Actions Non-Threateningly
10 Ravage تباہی Cause Extensive Destruction Or Ruin Utterly
11 Ravenous بے ہنگم Extremely Hungry
12 Realm دائرہ A Domain In Which Something Is Dominant
13 Reap کاٹنا Get Or Derive
14 Rebellious باغی Resisting Control Or Authority
15 Rebuke سرزنش کرنا An Act Or Expression Of Criticism And Censure
16 Rebuttal تردید The Speech Act Of Refuting By Offering A Contrary Argument
17 Recalcitrant تذبذب کا شکار Stubbornly Resistant To Authority Or Control
18 Recant رد کرنا Formally Reject Or Disavow A Formerly Held Belief
19 Recapitulate تکرار کرنا Summarize Briefly
20 Recidivism تکرار جرم Habitual Relapse Into Crime
21 Recipient وصول کنندہ A Person To Whom Something Is Sent, Given, Or Awarded
22 Reciprocate بدلہ دینا Act, Feel, Or Give Mutually Or In Return
23 Recluse اجتہادی One Who Lives In Solitude
24 Recoil پیچھے ہٹنا Draw Back, As With Fear Or Pain
25 Recommence دوبارہ شروع کرنا Begin Again
26 Recompense بدلہ Payment Or Reward, As For Service Rendered
27 Reconcile صلح کرنا Bring Into Consonance Or Accord
28 Recondite دوبارہ ترتیب دینا Difficult To Understand
29 Reconnaissance ٹوہ The Act Of Scouting, Especially To Gain Information
30 Recrimination الزام تراشی Mutual Accusations
31 Rectitude درستگی Righteousness As A Consequence Of Being Honorable And Honest
32 Redoubtable قابلِ شک Inspiring Fear
33 Redress ازالہ Act Of Correcting An Error Or A Fault Or An Evil
34 Refined بہتر Cultivated And Genteel
35 Refulgent پرجوش Radiating Or As If Radiating Light
36 Refurbish تجدید کرنا Improve The Appearance Or Functionality Of
37 Refutation تردید The Act Of Determining That Something Is False
38 Regime حکومت The Governing Authority Of A Political Unit
39 Regress رجوع کرنا Get Worse Or Fall Back To A Previous Condition
40 Reiterate دہرانا Say, State, Or Perform Again
41 Rejuvenate جوان کرنا Return To Life; Get Or Give New Life Or Energy
42 Relapse دوبارہ لگنا A Failure To Maintain A Higher State
43 Relegate چھوڑنا Assign To A Lower Position
44 Relent نرمی کرنا Give In, As To Influence Or Pressure
45 Relentless بے لگام Never-Ceasing
46 Relevance مطابقت The Relation Of Something To The Matter At Hand
47 Relevant متعلقہ Having A Bearing On Or Connection With The Subject At Issue
48 Relinquish دست بردار ہونا Turn Away From; Give Up
49 Relish مزہ لینا Spicy Or Savory Condiment
50 Remediate تدارک کرنا Set Straight Or Right
51 Reminiscent یاد دلانے والا Serving To Bring To Mind
52 Remorse پچھتاوا A Feeling Of Deep Regret, Usually For Some Misdeed
53 Remote دور دراز Inaccessible And Sparsely Populated
54 Remunerate معاوضہ دینا Make Payment To; Compensate
55 Renegade رجعت پسند Someone Who Rebels And Becomes An Outlaw
56 Renege رد کرنا Fail To Fulfill A Promise Or Obligation
57 Renounce استعفی دینا Turn Away From; Give Up
58 Renowned معروف Widely Known And Esteemed
59 Renunciation ترک کرنا The Act Of Sacrificing Or Giving Up Or Surrendering
60 Repent توبہ Feel Sorry For; Be Contrite About
61 Repercussion ردِ عمل A Remote Or Indirect Consequence Of Some Action
62 Repertoire ذخیرے The Range Of Skills In A Particular Field Or Occupation
63 Replenish بھرنے Fill Something That Had Previously Been Emptied
64 Reprehensible قابل مذمت Bringing Or Deserving Severe Rebuke Or Censure
65 Repress دبانا Block The Action Of
66 Reprove ملامت کرنا Reprimand, Scold, Or Express Dissatisfaction With
67 Repudiate تردید کرنا Reject As Untrue, Unfounded, Or Unjust
68 Repugnant مکروہ Offensive To The Mind
69 Reputable نامور Held In High Esteem And Honor
70 Resolute عزم Firm In Purpose Or Belief
71 Resonate گونجنا Evoke Or Suggest A Strong Meaning Or Belief
72 Restitution معاوضہ A Sum Of Money Paid In Compensation For Loss Or Injury
73 Restive آرام کرنے والا Impatient Especially Under Restriction Or Delay
74 Resurgence دوبارہ پیدا ہونا Bringing Again Into Activity And Prominence
75 Resuscitate دوبارہ زندہ کرنا Cause To Regain Consciousness
76 Retaliate بدلہ لینا Make A Counterattack And Return Like For Like
77 Reticent متضاد Cool And Formal In Manner
78 Retort جواب دینا Answer Back
79 Retract پیچھے ہٹنا Formally Reject Or Disavow
80 Retrench چھڑانا Make A Reduction, As In One's Workforce
81 Retribution بدلہ The Act Of Taking Revenge
82 Revelation وحی An Enlightening Or Astonishing Disclosure
83 Revelry تفریح Unrestrained Merrymaking
84 Reverberate گونجنا Ring Or Echo With Sound
85 Revere احترام کرنا Love Unquestioningly And Uncritically Or To Excess
86 Revile گالی دینا Spread Negative Information About
87 Revoke منسوخ کرنا Cancel Officially
88 Revolutionize انقلاب لانا Change Radically
89 Revulsion بغاوت Intense Aversion
90 Rhetorical بیان بازی Relating To Using Language Effectively
91 Rigorous سخت Demanding Strict Attention To Rules And Procedures
92 Riveting توجہ دینا توجہ مرکوز کرنا Capable Of Arousing And Holding The Attention
93 Robust مضبوط Sturdy And Strong In Form, Constitution, Or Construction
94 Rousing جوش مارنا Capable Of Stirring Enthusiasm Or Excitement
95 Rudimentary ابتدائی Being In The Earliest Stages Of Development
96 Ruminate افواہیں Reflect Deeply On A Subject
97 Rural دیہی Living In Or Characteristic Of Farming Or Country Life
98 Ruse ٹال مٹول A Deceptive Maneuver, Especially To Avoid Capture
99 Rustic دہاتی Characteristic Of Rural Life
100 Ruthless بے رحم Without Mercy Or Pity
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