Most Repeated 100 English Words with Letter R with complete meanings in URDU and English. These English words are helpful for upcoming exams tests of PPSC - Public Service Commission Competitive Government Jobs tests. These words are most important for Lecturer Jobs tests for both Male and Female In Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, KPK teaching tests.
Letter R Words With Meanings In URDU English |
Letter R English Most Difficult Words Meanings For Competitive Exams
Sr. | Words | URDU Meanings | English Meanings |
1 | Raconteur | قصے سنانے والا | A Person Skilled In Telling Anecdotes |
2 | Radical | بنیاد پرست | A Person Who Has Revolutionary Ideas Or Opinions |
3 | Rambunctious | بھڑکنے والا | Noisy And Lacking In Restraint Or Discipline |
4 | Ramification | شاخ در شاخ ہونا | A Consequence, Especially One That Causes Complications |
5 | Rampant | روز بروز بڑھتی ہوئی | Occurring Or Increasing In An Unrestrained Way |
6 | Rancor | تعصب | A Feeling Of Deep And Bitter Anger And Ill-Will |
7 | Rapport | تعلق | A Relationship Of Mutual Understanding Between People |
8 | Rarefied | نایاب | Of High Moral Or Intellectual Value |
9 | Rationalization | معذرت کرنا | A Defense Mechanism Explaining Actions Non-Threateningly |
10 | Ravage | تباہی | Cause Extensive Destruction Or Ruin Utterly |
11 | Ravenous | بے ہنگم | Extremely Hungry |
12 | Realm | دائرہ | A Domain In Which Something Is Dominant |
13 | Reap | کاٹنا | Get Or Derive |
14 | Rebellious | باغی | Resisting Control Or Authority |
15 | Rebuke | سرزنش کرنا | An Act Or Expression Of Criticism And Censure |
16 | Rebuttal | تردید | The Speech Act Of Refuting By Offering A Contrary Argument |
17 | Recalcitrant | تذبذب کا شکار | Stubbornly Resistant To Authority Or Control |
18 | Recant | رد کرنا | Formally Reject Or Disavow A Formerly Held Belief |
19 | Recapitulate | تکرار کرنا | Summarize Briefly |
20 | Recidivism | تکرار جرم | Habitual Relapse Into Crime |
21 | Recipient | وصول کنندہ | A Person To Whom Something Is Sent, Given, Or Awarded |
22 | Reciprocate | بدلہ دینا | Act, Feel, Or Give Mutually Or In Return |
23 | Recluse | اجتہادی | One Who Lives In Solitude |
24 | Recoil | پیچھے ہٹنا | Draw Back, As With Fear Or Pain |
25 | Recommence | دوبارہ شروع کرنا | Begin Again |
26 | Recompense | بدلہ | Payment Or Reward, As For Service Rendered |
27 | Reconcile | صلح کرنا | Bring Into Consonance Or Accord |
28 | Recondite | دوبارہ ترتیب دینا | Difficult To Understand |
29 | Reconnaissance | ٹوہ | The Act Of Scouting, Especially To Gain Information |
30 | Recrimination | الزام تراشی | Mutual Accusations |
31 | Rectitude | درستگی | Righteousness As A Consequence Of Being Honorable And Honest |
32 | Redoubtable | قابلِ شک | Inspiring Fear |
33 | Redress | ازالہ | Act Of Correcting An Error Or A Fault Or An Evil |
34 | Refined | بہتر | Cultivated And Genteel |
35 | Refulgent | پرجوش | Radiating Or As If Radiating Light |
36 | Refurbish | تجدید کرنا | Improve The Appearance Or Functionality Of |
37 | Refutation | تردید | The Act Of Determining That Something Is False |
38 | Regime | حکومت | The Governing Authority Of A Political Unit |
39 | Regress | رجوع کرنا | Get Worse Or Fall Back To A Previous Condition |
40 | Reiterate | دہرانا | Say, State, Or Perform Again |
41 | Rejuvenate | جوان کرنا | Return To Life; Get Or Give New Life Or Energy |
42 | Relapse | دوبارہ لگنا | A Failure To Maintain A Higher State |
43 | Relegate | چھوڑنا | Assign To A Lower Position |
44 | Relent | نرمی کرنا | Give In, As To Influence Or Pressure |
45 | Relentless | بے لگام | Never-Ceasing |
46 | Relevance | مطابقت | The Relation Of Something To The Matter At Hand |
47 | Relevant | متعلقہ | Having A Bearing On Or Connection With The Subject At Issue |
48 | Relinquish | دست بردار ہونا | Turn Away From; Give Up |
49 | Relish | مزہ لینا | Spicy Or Savory Condiment |
50 | Remediate | تدارک کرنا | Set Straight Or Right |
51 | Reminiscent | یاد دلانے والا | Serving To Bring To Mind |
52 | Remorse | پچھتاوا | A Feeling Of Deep Regret, Usually For Some Misdeed |
53 | Remote | دور دراز | Inaccessible And Sparsely Populated |
54 | Remunerate | معاوضہ دینا | Make Payment To; Compensate |
55 | Renegade | رجعت پسند | Someone Who Rebels And Becomes An Outlaw |
56 | Renege | رد کرنا | Fail To Fulfill A Promise Or Obligation |
57 | Renounce | استعفی دینا | Turn Away From; Give Up |
58 | Renowned | معروف | Widely Known And Esteemed |
59 | Renunciation | ترک کرنا | The Act Of Sacrificing Or Giving Up Or Surrendering |
60 | Repent | توبہ | Feel Sorry For; Be Contrite About |
61 | Repercussion | ردِ عمل | A Remote Or Indirect Consequence Of Some Action |
62 | Repertoire | ذخیرے | The Range Of Skills In A Particular Field Or Occupation |
63 | Replenish | بھرنے | Fill Something That Had Previously Been Emptied |
64 | Reprehensible | قابل مذمت | Bringing Or Deserving Severe Rebuke Or Censure |
65 | Repress | دبانا | Block The Action Of |
66 | Reprove | ملامت کرنا | Reprimand, Scold, Or Express Dissatisfaction With |
67 | Repudiate | تردید کرنا | Reject As Untrue, Unfounded, Or Unjust |
68 | Repugnant | مکروہ | Offensive To The Mind |
69 | Reputable | نامور | Held In High Esteem And Honor |
70 | Resolute | عزم | Firm In Purpose Or Belief |
71 | Resonate | گونجنا | Evoke Or Suggest A Strong Meaning Or Belief |
72 | Restitution | معاوضہ | A Sum Of Money Paid In Compensation For Loss Or Injury |
73 | Restive | آرام کرنے والا | Impatient Especially Under Restriction Or Delay |
74 | Resurgence | دوبارہ پیدا ہونا | Bringing Again Into Activity And Prominence |
75 | Resuscitate | دوبارہ زندہ کرنا | Cause To Regain Consciousness |
76 | Retaliate | بدلہ لینا | Make A Counterattack And Return Like For Like |
77 | Reticent | متضاد | Cool And Formal In Manner |
78 | Retort | جواب دینا | Answer Back |
79 | Retract | پیچھے ہٹنا | Formally Reject Or Disavow |
80 | Retrench | چھڑانا | Make A Reduction, As In One's Workforce |
81 | Retribution | بدلہ | The Act Of Taking Revenge |
82 | Revelation | وحی | An Enlightening Or Astonishing Disclosure |
83 | Revelry | تفریح | Unrestrained Merrymaking |
84 | Reverberate | گونجنا | Ring Or Echo With Sound |
85 | Revere | احترام کرنا | Love Unquestioningly And Uncritically Or To Excess |
86 | Revile | گالی دینا | Spread Negative Information About |
87 | Revoke | منسوخ کرنا | Cancel Officially |
88 | Revolutionize | انقلاب لانا | Change Radically |
89 | Revulsion | بغاوت | Intense Aversion |
90 | Rhetorical | بیان بازی | Relating To Using Language Effectively |
91 | Rigorous | سخت | Demanding Strict Attention To Rules And Procedures |
92 | Riveting | توجہ دینا توجہ مرکوز کرنا | Capable Of Arousing And Holding The Attention |
93 | Robust | مضبوط | Sturdy And Strong In Form, Constitution, Or Construction |
94 | Rousing | جوش مارنا | Capable Of Stirring Enthusiasm Or Excitement |
95 | Rudimentary | ابتدائی | Being In The Earliest Stages Of Development |
96 | Ruminate | افواہیں | Reflect Deeply On A Subject |
97 | Rural | دیہی | Living In Or Characteristic Of Farming Or Country Life |
98 | Ruse | ٹال مٹول | A Deceptive Maneuver, Especially To Avoid Capture |
99 | Rustic | دہاتی | Characteristic Of Rural Life |
100 | Ruthless | بے رحم | Without Mercy Or Pity |