Top 100 Most Repeated Letter F Words For Competitive Exams

If you are looking Letter F Word with Complete Meanings of Difficult words then on this page you will learn English Most Difficult words with URDU and English Complete Meanings of Words that are mostly asked in Competitive Exams tests preparations. In Every Public Service Commission Job Test English Grammar is the most important part of every test. So, these English Words are helpful for your English Grammar Portion preparations.

Most Important Difficult English Words With Meanings in English and URDU

Sr. Words URDU Meanings English Meanings
1 Fabricate گھڑنا put together out of artificial or natural components
2 Facet پہلو a distinct feature or element in a problem
3 Facetious متضاد cleverly amusing in tone
4 Facile آسان performing adroitly and without effort
5 Facsimile ہو بہو نقل کرنا an exact copy or reproduction
6 Faction دھڑا a dissenting clique
7 Fallacy غلط فہمی a misconception resulting from incorrect reasoning
8 Fallible غلط wanting in moral strength, courage, or will
9 Fallow فریب, افتادہ, کذب, بے کاشت زَمِين left unplowed and unseeded during a growing season
10 Falter لڑکھڑانا the act of pausing uncertainly
11 Familial خاندانی relating to a social unit living together
12 Famine قحط a severe shortage of food resulting in starvation and death
13 Farcical طنزیہ broadly or extravagantly humorous
14 Fastidious پرہیزگار giving careful attention to detail
15 Fatal مہلک bringing death
16 Fatuous فضول devoid of intelligence
17 Fauna حیوانات all the animal life in a particular region or period
18 Fawning بھڑکنا attempting to win favor by flattery
19 Fealty وفاداری the loyalty that one owes to a country, sovereign, or lord
20 Feasible ممکن capable of being done with means at hand
21 Feckless بے عیب generally incompetent and ineffectual
22 Feign بہانہ give a false appearance of
23 Felicity خوشی state of well-being characterized by contentment
24 Feral جنگل wild and menacing
25 Fervent پرجوش characterized by intense emotion
26 Fiasco ناکامی a complete failure or collapse
27 Fickle چست liable to sudden unpredictable change
28 Fidelity مخلص the quality of being faithful
29 Figurative علامتی not literal
30 Filial والدین کے حوالے سے designating the generation following the parental generation
31 Filibuster مجلس قانون ساز ميں a tactic for delaying legislation by making long speeches
32 Finesse نفاست subtly skillful handling of a situation
33 Finicky نازک fussy, especially about details
34 Finite محدود bounded in magnitude or spatial or temporal extent
35 Firebrand جلتا ہوا لکڑی کا ٹکڑا someone who deliberately foments trouble
36 Firmament آسمان the sphere on which celestial bodies appear to be projected
37 Fissure دراڑ a long narrow depression in a surface
38 Flabbergasted حیران as if struck dumb with astonishment and surprise
39 Flagrant صریح conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible
40 Flail فلیل thrash about
41 Flaunt دکھاوا display proudly
42 Flippant ہلکا پھلکا showing an inappropriate lack of seriousness
43 Flora نباتات all the plant life in a particular region or period
44 Florid پھول دار elaborately or excessively ornamented
45 Flounder پھسل جانا move clumsily or struggle to move, as in mud or water
46 Flourish پھلنا پھولنا grow vigorously
47 Fluke اتفاقی طور پر کوئی کام درست ہونا a stroke of luck
48 Fluster گھبرانا cause to be nervous or upset
49 Flux بہاؤ a state of constant change
50 Fodder چارہ coarse food composed of plants or leaves and stalks
51 Foible ناکام a minor weakness or peculiarity in someone's character
52 Foil ورق hinder or prevent, as an effort, plan, or desire
53 Foliage پودوں the aggregate of leaves of one or more plants
54 Foment پھونکنا try to stir up
55 Forage چارہ collect or look around for, as food
56 Foray حملہ an initial attempt
57 Foreboding پیش گوئی کرنا a feeling of evil to come
58 Forecast عاقبت اندیشی a prediction about how something will develop
59 Forensic عدالت کے متعلق used in the investigation of facts or evidence in court
60 Foresee پہلے ہی سے کام کر لینا realize beforehand
61 Foreshadow اشارہ کرنا نشان دہی کرنا indicate by signs
62 Foresight دور اندیشی seeing ahead; knowing in advance; foreseeing
63 Forestall روکنا keep from happening or arising; make impossible
64 Forfeit ضبط کرنا lose the right to or lose by some error, offense, or crime
65 Forge جعلی create by hammering
66 Forlorn اداس marked by or showing hopelessness
67 Formidable مضبوط extremely impressive in strength or excellence
68 Forsake ترک کرنا leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch
69 Forte قوت an asset of special worth or utility
70 Forthcoming آنے والا available when required or as promised
71 Fortified مضبوط having something added to increase the strength
72 Fortitude استقامت strength of mind that enables one to endure adversity
73 Fortress قلعہ a fortified defensive structure
74 Fortuitous اتفاقی lucky; occurring by happy chance
75 Fortunate خوش قسمت having unexpected good luck
76 Fortune دولت, نصیب, قسمت .تقدیر a large amount of wealth or prosperity
77 Forum فورم a public facility to meet for open discussion
78 Foster رضاعی help develop or grow
79 Foul گندے highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust
80 Founder بانی a person who establishes some institution
81 Founding نتیجہ رہنا ناکام رہنا the act of starting something for the first time
82 Foyer داخلہ کی جگہ a large entrance or reception room or area
83 Fracas تو تو میں میں منہ ماری a noisy quarrel
84 Fractious اختلافی easily irritated or annoyed
85 Fracture ہڈی ٹوٹنا breaking of hard tissue such as bone
86 Fragile خراب easily broken or damaged or destroyed
87 Fragrant خوشبودار pleasant-smelling
88 Frail کمزور physically weak
89 Fraud دھوکہ intentional deception resulting in injury to another person
90 Fraught بھرا ہوا marked by distress
91 Frenetic جنونی fast and energetic in an uncontrolled or wild way
92 Frenzy انماد state of violent mental agitation
93 Fresco پلستر کی ہوئی دیوار پر نقش بنانا a mural done with watercolors on wet plaster
94 Frolic ہلچل play boisterously
95 Frontier سرحد an international boundary or the area immediately inside it
96 Frugal کفایت شعاری avoiding waste
97 Fulminate مکمل کرنا criticize severely
98 Fulsome بھرپور unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating
99 Furtive چوری کرنے والا secret and sly
100 Futile بیکار producing no result or effect
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