Top 100 Most Repeated Letter "A" Words For Competitive Exams

 If you are looking words meanings of English Vocabulary or Most Important Words of English For competitive Exams just like, PPSC, CSS, PMS, SAT, ACCA, FPSC, NTS and many more jobs related and admission related Words preparations. Then you are here on right page, Because EasyMCQs is providing here most important and most repeated English Words with complete meanings in URDU for students preparations in Pakistan. For other students here words with English meanings are also available for learning.

Most Repeated Words In PPSC
Top 100 Most Repeated Letter A Words For Competitive Exams

Most Repeated Important Words List for Competitive PPSC Exams Tests.

Sr. Words URDU Meanings English Meanings
1 Abase ذلیل cause to feel shame
2 Aberration خرابی a state / condition markedly different from the norm
3 Abhor نفرت feel hatred / disgust toward
4 Abject حقیر most unfortunate / miserable
5 Abrasive کھرچنے والا sharply disagreeable / unpleasant / harsh
6 Abstain پرہیز کریں۔ refrain from doing /consuming / partaking in something
7 Abstract خلاصہ existing only in the mind
8 Abundant وافر present in great quantity
9 Accentuate زور لگانا stress / single out as important
10 Acclimate تسلیم کرنا get used to a certain environment
11 Accomplice ساتھی a person who joins with another in carrying out some plan
12 Accord معاہدہ concurrence of opinion
13 Acerbic کھٹا harsh / corrosive in tone
14 Acme چوٹی the highest level / degree attainable
15 Acquiesce تسلیم کریں۔ agree / express agreement
16 Acquit بری کرنا pronounce not guilty of criminal charges
17 Acrimonious تلخ marked by strong resentment / cynicism
18 Acute تیز extremely sharp / intense
19 Adamant اٹل insistent; unwilling to change one's mind / opinion
20 Adept ماہر having / showing knowledge and skill and aptitude
21 Adhere چلو stick to firmly
22 Admonish نصیحت کرنا scold / reprimand; take to task
23 Adorn سجانا make more attractive / as by adding ornament / color
24 Adroit چست quick / skillful / adept in action / thought
25 Adulation عیاشی exaggerated flattery / praise
26 Adversity مصیبت a state of misfortune / affliction
27 Advocacy وکالت active support of an idea / cause
28 Aesthetic جمالیاتی characterized by an appreciation of beauty / good taste
29 Affable قابل قبول diffusing warmth and friendliness
30 Affinity تعلق a close connection marked by community of interests
31 Affliction افلاس a cause of great suffering and distress
32 Affluent متمول having an abundant supply of money / possessions of value
33 Aggrandize بڑا کرنا embellish; increase the scope/power / importance of
34 Agile پھرتیلی moving quickly and lightly
35 Agrarian زرعی relating to rural matters
36 Alacrity شوق سے liveliness and eagerness
37 Alienate اجنبی arouse hostility / indifference in
38 Allege الزام لگانا report / maintain
39 Allegiance وفاداری the act of binding yourself to a course of action
40 Allegory تشبیہ a style in which characters and events are symbolic
41 Alleviate کم کرنا provide physical relief / as from pain
42 Allude اشارہ کرنا make an indirect reference to
43 Aloof الگ تھلگ Distant/ cold / detached in manner
44 Altruistic پرہیزگاری showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others
45 Ambiguous مبہم having more than one possible meaning
46 Ambivalent دو جَذباتی uncertain / unable to decide about what course to follow
47 Ameliorate بہتر کرنا make better
48 Amiable ملنسار diffusing warmth and friendliness
49 Amicable دوستانہ characterized by friendship and good will
50 Amnesty معافی a warrant granting release from punishment for an offense
51 Amorphous بے ساختہ having no definite form / distinct shape
52 Ample کافی more than enough in size / scope / capacity
53 Anachronism زمانہ کا حساب لگانے میں غلطی locating something at a time when it couldn't have existed
54 Analogous مطابق similar / equivalent in some respects
55 Anecdote قصہ short account of an incident
56 Animosity عداوت a feeling of ill will arousing active hostility
57 Annihilate فنا کرنا kill in large numbers
58 Anomaly بے ضابطگی deviation from the normal / common order /form / rule
59 Anonymous گمنام having no known name / identity / known source
60 Antagonism دشمنی ۔ an actively expressed feeling of dislike and hostility
61 Antecedent سابقہ someone from whom you are descended
62 Anthropomorphic انسانی خصوصیات والا suggesting human features for animals / inanimate things
63 Anticipate اندازہ لگانا be excited / anxious about
64 Antipathy دشمنی a feeling of intense dislike
65 Antithetical متضاد sharply contrasted in character / purpose
66 Apathy بے حسی an absence of emotion / enthusiasm
67 Aptitude اہلیت inherent ability
68 Arbitrary من مانی based on / subject to individual discretion / preference
69 Arcane خفیہ پوشیدہ requiring secret / mysterious knowledge
70 Archaic قدیم so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period
71 Archetype آثار قدیمہ something that serves as a model
72 Ardent پرجوش characterized by intense emotion
73 Arduous مشکل characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion
74 Aristocratic اشرافیہ belonging to / characteristic of the nobility
75 Artifice فنکاری the use of deception / trickery
76 Ascetic سنیاسی characteristic of the practice of rigorous self-discipline
77 Aspire خواہش have an ambitious plan / a lofty goal
78 Assimilation انضمام the process of absorbing one cultural group into another
79 Assuage تسکین provide physical relief / as from pain
80 Atone کفارہ make amends for
81 Attest تصدیق کریں۔ provide evidence for
82 Attire لباس clothing of a distinctive style / for a particular occasion
83 Attribute وصف a quality belonging to / characteristic of an entity
84 Attribution انتساب assigning to a cause / source
85 Audacious بے باک disposed to venture / take risks
86 Audible سنائی دیتی heard / perceptible by the ear
87 Augment بڑھانا enlarge / increase
88 Augur شگفتہ predict from an omen
89 Augury بدگمانی an event indicating important things to come
90 Auspicious مبارک indicating favorable circumstances and good luck
91 Austere سادگی severely simple
92 Authentic مستند conforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief
93 Authoritarian آمرانہ characteristic of an absolute ruler / absolute rule
94 Authoritative مستند of recognized power / excellence
95 Avarice حرص reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth
96 Avenge بدلہ لینا take action in return for a perceived wrong
97 Aversion نفرت a feeling of intense dislike
98 Avid بخیل marked by active interest and enthusiasm
99 Avuncular چاچا کی طرح resembling an uncle in kindness / indulgence
100 Awe عجب an overwhelming feeling of wonder / admiration

All of these words are mostly asked in PPSC - Public Service Commission Exams Jobs Tests. You need to learn these words for getting 10 marks in which synonyms of the words and the complete meanings of the words are mostly asked.

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