Mechanical in Chemical Engineering Online Test - Set 15

Practice Test: Question Set - 15

1. Increasing the capacity of a screen __________ the screen effectiveness.
    (A) Decreases
    (B) Increases
    (C) Does not effect
    (D) None of these

2. The process opposite to 'dispersion' is termed as the
    (A) Flocculation
    (B) Sedimentation
    (C) Filtration
    (D) None of these

3. The process by which fine solids is removed from liquids is termed as
    (A) Decantation
    (B) Flocculation
    (C) Sedimentation
    (D) Classification

4. Screen capacity is proportional to (where, S = screen aperture)
    (A) S
    (B) 1/S
    (C) S2
    (D) √S

5. Which of the following is the hardest material?
    (A) Calcite
    (B) Quartz
    (C) Corundum
    (D) Gypsum

6. Screen capacity is not a function of
    (A) Its openings size
    (B) Screening mechanism
    (C) Screening surface
    (D) Atmospheric humidity

7. In constant pressure filtration,
    (A) Resistance decreases with time
    (B) Rate of filtration is constant
    (C) Rate of filtration increases with time
    (D) Rate of filtration decreases with time

8. Limestone is normally crushed in a
    (A) Roll crusher
    (B) Hammer crusher
    (C) Ball mill
    (D) Tube mill

9. Use of 'grinding aids' is done in __________ grinding.
    (A) Dry
    (B) Wet
    (C) Ultrafine
    (D) Intermediate

10. The resistance offered by the filter used in a bag filter is proportional to (where, c = dust concentration, and s = particle size).
    (A) c/s
    (B) s/c
    (C) s . c
    (D) 1/s . c

11. Which of the following crushing laws is most accurately applicable to the fine grinding of materials?
    (A) Bond's crushing law
    (B) Kick's law
    (C) Rittinger's law
    (D) None of these

12. The cake resistance increases steadily with the time of filtration in a plate and frame filter employing constant __________ filtration.
    (A) Rate
    (B) Pressure
    (C) Both (a) & (b)
    (D) Neither (a) nor (b)

13. __________ is a cohesive solid.
    (A) Wheat
    (B) Sand
    (C) Wet clay
    (D) None of these

14. Temperature of the product during ultrafine grinding
    (A) Increases
    (B) Decreases
    (C) Remain constant
    (D) May increase or decrease; depends on the material being ground

15. Pine oil used in froth floatation technique acts as a/an
    (A) Collector
    (B) Modifier
    (C) Frother
    (D) Activator

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