
ISRO Opens Two Satellite Centers to Private Companies

 ISRO Opens Two Satellite Centers to Private Companies

ISRO Opens Two Satellite Centers to Private Companies
Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has opened its satellite center to private companies for the first time in its 50-year history.

Two satellite space kids India and Pixels of Indian startups were tested at ISRO's UR Rao Satellite Center. This has happened when India announced in June last year to open its space sector to private companies.

For this, an independent body Indian National Space Promotion and Authority Center (In-Space) was established. This organization will not only oversee the space activity of the private sector but will also handle and share the facilities of ISRO.

ISRO has approved two satellites. It has a private company and the other is developed by satellite students. It has Spacekidz India designed by the students. ISRO is set to launch commercial satellites under the PSLV mission scheduled later this month.

This will be the first mission in which Indian industry satellites will be commercially launched by ISRO. The PSLV C-51 mission will carry a Brazilian satellite Ammonia-1 under the commercial arrangement of NewSpace India (the commercial arm of ISRO). In addition, the launch vehicle will carry 20 passenger satellites.

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