Cold Moon: Today and tomorrow will see the full moon, find out why it is called Cold Moon

Cold Moon: Today and tomorrow will see the full moon, find out why it is called Cold Moon

 The year 2020 is just a matter of time. In the meantime space and astronomical events are going to happen. The last full moon will be seen on December 29 and 30. This is called Cold Moon. Which will be the 13th flower moon of the year 2020. There is excitement among the people of the world to see this.

 According to the information, the full moon will be completed on December 30, 2020, at 3.39 am international time, this view of India will be seen on December 30, at 9 am. The Cold Moon will be seen in Asia, the Pacific, Europe, and Africa on Wednesday, according to a Forbes report.

 While in the Western Hemisphere countries such as South America, North America, and Canada it will be seen on the night of December 29 at 10.29 (local time).

 Coming soon after Christmas, North America is the Long Nights Moon, Europe is called this Moon After Yule. Countries in the Northern Hemisphere are currently experiencing cold. However, in the Northern Hemisphere, it is called Cold Moon according to the weather.

 Let's say that on December 21, after 800 years, Mercury and Saturn came close to each other. The two planets on Earth look-alike, coming so close to the time of the great 17th-century astronomer Galileo.

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