
Bhavnagar Municipal Corporation (BMC) MPHW, FHW, Lab. Tech. & Pharmacist Provisional Merit List / Document Verification Programme 2020

Bhavnagar Municipal Corporation (BMC) MPHW, FHW, Lab. Tech. & Pharmacist Provisional Merit List / Document Verification Programme 2020

Bhavnagar Municipal Corporation (BMC) has published MPHW, FHW, Lab. Tech. & Pharmacist Provisional Merit List / Document Verification Programme 2020, Check below for more details.

Provisional Merit List:

Multi-Purpose Health Worker: Click Here

Female Health Worker: Click Here

Lab. Technician: Click Here

Pharmacist: Click Here

Document Verification Programme: Click Here
For More Details: Click Here

Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.

Bhavnagar Municipal Corporation is local self-government which came into being under the provisions of the Gujarat Provincial Municipal Corporation Act, 1949 carries out all the obligatory & discretionary functions prescribed thereunder.

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