
Everday Science Quiz - EasyMCQs

These Important MCQs Quiz MCQs Questions are taken from our Everyday Science MCQs Objective Type Section. So, All of The Users who want to learn Everyday Science Questions can easily Prepare these MCQs and Check their memory and make their knowledge better by solving these MCQs practice.

Everyday Science Objective Type Quiz Preparations
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Everyday Science MCQs Preparations With Quiz Test

Test 1 | Test 2 | Test 3 | Test 4 | Test 5 | Test 6 | Test 7 | Test 8 | Test 9 | Test 10 | Test 11 | Test 12 | Test 13 | Test 14 | Test 15 | Test 16 | Test 17 | Test 18 | Test 19 | Test 20 | Test 21 | Test 22 | Test 23 | Test 24

Every Day Science MCQs With Solved Answers

Q.1: What is the first element in the periodic table ?

  1. Hydrogen
  2. Helium
  3. Nitrogen
  4. Carbon


Q.2: Who came up with three laws of motion ?

  1. Galileo
  2. Albert Einstein
  3. Issac Newton
  4. Hubble


Q.3: Cell or Tissue death within a living body is called as--------- ?

  1. Neutrophilia
  2. Nephrosis
  3. Necrosis
  4. Neoplasia


Q.4: What happens to a person who receives the wrong type of blood ?

  1. All the arteries constrict
  2. All the arteries dialates
  3. The RBCs agglutinate
  4. The spleen and lymphnodes deteriorate


Q.5: In general, the most destructive earthquake waves are the ------- ?

  1. P waves
  2. S waves
  3. Surface waves
  4. All of the above


Q.6: Sericulture is the study of which discipline ?

  1. silk production
  2. milk Production
  3. honey production
  4. forest timber production


Q.7: ‘Satiety’ is the condition in which patient lacks ?

  1. Talk
  2. Eat
  3. Sleep
  4. Walk


Q.8: Who invented the first battery ?

  1. Alessandro volta
  2. Tim Berner
  3. Rob Stothard
  4. Georges Leclanche


Q.9: People with what blood type can give blood to anyone and are thus called universal donors ?

  1. O-
  2. O
  3. AB+
  4. AB-


Q.10: Soap is ----- ?

  1. Acid
  2. Chemical
  3. Powder
  4. Salt


Q.11: Which is the outermost planet in the solar system ?

  1. Mercury
  2. Pluto
  3. Neptune
  4. Uranus


Q.12: Radioactivity was discovered by -------- ?

  1. Kelvin
  2. Thomson
  3. Rutherford
  4. Bacquerel


Q.13: Deficiency of Vitamin-D results in -------- ?

  1. night blindness
  2. rickets
  3. scurvy
  4. hair fall


Q.14: Which from the following is true for “Sound” ?

  1. Sound cannot travel through a vacuum
  2. Sound cannot travel through gases
  3. Sound cannot travel through liquids
  4. Sound cannot travel through solids


Q.15: The lifespan of White Blood Cells is ---------- day(s) ?

  1. 1 – 5 days
  2. 3 – 7 days
  3. 4 – 8 days
  4. 5 – 21 days


Q.16: In general, Comets have ---------- orbits ?

  1. Elliptical
  2. Highly elliptical
  3. Circular
  4. Parabolic


Q.17: Deficiency of ---------- causes loss of appetite and poor growth ?

  1. zinc
  2. iodine
  3. copper
  4. iron


Q.18: The position of an element in the Periodic Table is determined by its ---------- number ?

  1. Electron
  2. Proton
  3. Neutron
  4. Positron


Q.19: The bodyguard of the Earth is ---------- that save the Earth from many Comets and Asteroids ?

  1. Mars
  2. Saturn
  3. Uranus
  4. Jupiter


Q.20: The SI unit of electric current is ?

  1. Coloumb
  2. Ampere
  3. Volt
  4. Watt


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