Chemistry set 25

Q.1 The compound with an atom, which has unshared pair of electrons is called:
A) Nucleophile C) Protophile
B) Electrophile            D) None of the above
Q.2      1-chloropropane and 2-chlorpropane are isomers of each other, the type of isomerism in these two is called:
A) Cis-trans isomerism C) Position isomerism
B) Chain isomerism D) Functional group isomerism

Q.3 Ethene on polymerization, gives the product polyethene. This reaction may be called as
A) Addition C) Substitution
B) Condensation D) Pyrolysis
Q.4 In the following, which one is free radical?
A) ClC) Cl2
B) Cl+ D) Clo

Q.6 Select the nucleophile from the following examples:
A) NO2 C) NO2+
B) NH3 D) N+H4

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