Chemistry set 15

Q.1 Carbon exists as allotropes, which are different crystalline or molecular forms of the same substance. Graphite and diamond are allotropes of carbon. Diamond is a non-conductor whereas graphite is a good conductor because:
A) Graphite has a layered structure C) In graphite one of valence electron is free to move
B) In graphite, all valence electrons are tetrahedrally D) Graphite is soft and greasy
Q.2 The diagram below is a plot of melting points of elements of second period against
their atomic numbers. Lithium and fluorine are placed at the extreme ends of the plot,
on the basis of melting points where will you place Carbon among the empty slots
on the plot?
A) 1 C) 4
B) 2 D)

Q.3 Which one remains same along a period?
A) Atomic radius C) Number of shells (orbits)
B) Melting point D) Electrical conductivity
Q.4 More the ionization energy of an element:
A) More the electropositivity C) Less the metallic character
B) More the reducing power D) Bigger the atomic radius
Q.5 What is the trend of melting and boiling point of the elements of short periods as we move from
left to right in a periodic table?
A) Melting and boiling points first decrease then C) Melting and boiling points first increase then
increase decrease
B) Melting and boiling points increase gradually D) Melting and boiling points decrease gradually

Q.6 Along a period, atomic radius decreases. This gradual decrease in radius is due to:
A) Increase in number of electrons in valence shells C) Decrease in number of shells
B) Increase in number of protons in the nucleus D)
Increase in number of shells

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