Chemistry set 10

Q.1 Mole fraction of any compound us the ratio of moles of all components in a:
A) Compound C) Molecule
Solution D) Solid
Q.2 Molarity is defined as the number of moles of any substance dissolved:
A) Per dm3 of water C) Per m3 of water
B) In one gram of water D) In 100 ml of water
Q.3 As number of solute particles increases, freezing point of the solution:
A) Remains the same C) First increases, then decreases
B) Increases D)
Q.4 Boiling point constants help us to determine
A) Molar masses C) Pressures
B) Volumes D) Masses

Q.9 10.0 grams of glucose are dissolved in water to make 100 cm3 of its solution, its molarity is:
A) 0.55 C) 10
B) 0.1 D) 1

Q.10 Given solution contains 16.0 g of CH3OH, 92.0 g of C2H5OH and 36 g of water. Which statement
about mole fraction of the components is true?
A) Mole fraction of CH3OH is highest among all
C) Mole fraction of CH3OH and C2H5OH is same

B) Mole fraction of C2H5OH and H2O is the same D) Mole fraction of H2O is the lowest among all

Q.11 Freezing point will also be defined as that temperature at which its solid and liquid phases have
the same:
A) Concentration C) Vapour pressure
B) Ratio between the particles D) Attraction between the phases
Q.12 What mass of NaOH is present in 0.5 mol of sodium hydroxide?
A) 40 gm C) 15 gm
B) 2.5 gm D)
20 gm

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