Chemistry ser 7

Q.1 The ability of an atom in a covalent bond to attract the bonding electrons is called:
A) Ionization energy C) Electronegativity
B) Ionic bond energy D) Electron affinity
Q.2 The paramagnetic character of a substance is due to:
A) Bond pairs of electrons C) Unpaired electrons in atom or molecule
B) Lone pairs of electrons D) Paired electrons in valence shells of electrons
Q.3 The angle between unhybridized p-orbital and three sp2 hybrid orbitals of each carbon atom in
ether is:
A) 120° C) 109.5°
90° D) 180°
Q.4 In ‘H-F’ bond electronegativity difference is ‘1.9’. What is the type of this bond?
A) Polar covalent bond C) Pi (π) bond
B) Non-polar covalent bond D) Co-ordinate covalent bond

Q.5 According to valence shell electron pair repulsion theory, the repulsive forces between the
electron pair of central atom of molecule are in the order:
A) Lone Pair - Lone-Pair > Lone Pair - Bond Pair > Bond Pair - Bond Pair
B) Lone Pair - Bond Pair > Lone Pair - Lone Pair > Bond Pair - Bond Pair
C) Bond Pair - Bond Pair > Lone Pair - Lone Pair > Lone Pair - Bond Pair
D) One Pair - Bond Pair > Bond Pair - Bond Pair > Lone Pair - Lone Pair
Q.6 In crystal lattice of ice, each O-atom of water molecule is attached to:
A) Four H-atoms C) One H-atom
B) Three H-atoms D) Two H-atoms

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