Bio set 43

Q.1  Which one of the following is depleting and causing thinning of ozone?
A) Chlorine             C) Chlorofluorocarbon
B) Bromine             D) Carbon
Q.2   The typical environment of a particular organism population community is called
A) Niche             C) Habitat
B) Ecosystem           D) Biosphere
Q.3  Excessive enrichment of water with nutrients by human activity by which large amount of living
organic matter grows is called
A) Archeotrophication         C) Enrichment
B) Eutrophication          D) Low Trophication
Q.4  In an ecosystem, mycorrhizae is an example of
A) Symbiosis            C) Commensalism
B) Predation            D) Parasitism
Q.5  Successive stages of eating and being eaten by which recycling of materials and flow of energy
takes place is called
A) Food Chain           C) Trophic Level
B) Food Web            D) Food Link

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