Bio set 4

Q.1  When chromosomes uncoil, the nucleoli are reformed and two nuclei are the two poles of the
cell; stage is known as
A) Prophase            C) Telophase
B) Metaphase           D) Anaphase
Q.2  Mental retardation, short stature, broad face and squint eyes are the symptoms of
A) Down’s syndrome          C) Turner’s syndrome
B) Klinefelter’s syndrome         D) XYZ syndrome
Q.3  Chiasmata formation takes place during the process which is known as
A) Crossing Over           C) Pairing
B) Attachment           D) Leptotene
Q.4  Healing of a wound and repair is the phenomenon which takes place by the process of
A) Mitosis             C) Cell Growth
B) Meiosis             D) Mitosis & Meiosis
Q.5  Which one of the following is the main cause of cancer?
A) Mutation             C) Regulated Mitosis
B) Controlled Cell Division         D) Haploid Division

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