Bio set 20

Q.21  Amino acid in which the R-group is hydrogen is:
A) Glycine             C) Leucine
B) Alanine             D) Valine
Q.22  Acyl-glycerols like fats and oils are esters formed by condensation reaction between:
A) Fatty acids and water         C) Fatty acids and glucose
B) Fatty acids and alcohols         D) Fatty acids and phosphates
Q.23  Which of the following is purine:
A) Guanine             C) Thymine
B) Cytosine             D) Uracil
Q.24  If the co-factor is covalently or tightly and permanently bonded to enzyme then it will be called:
A) Coenzyme            C) Activator
B) Prosthetic group           D) Apoenzyme
Q.25  Optimum pH value for the working of pancreatic lipase is:
A) 4.50             C) 2.00
B) 7.60             D) 9.00

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