Bio set 2

Q.6   The part of the body which forms a structural and functional unit and is composed of more than
one tissue is called
A) Organ             C) Organ system
B) Organelle            D) Whole organism
Q.7   A method in which pests are destroyed by using same living organisms or natural enemies is
A) Pasteurization          C) Biological control
B) Integrated disease management       D) Genetic engineering
Q.8  Chemicals produced by microorganisms which are capable of destroying the growth of microbes
are called
A) Antigen             C) Antiseptics
B) Biocidal             D) Antibiotics
Q.9  The simplest independent unit of life is known as:
A) Bacterial colony           C) Chloroplast
B) Cell             D) DNA
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Q.10  The plants having foreign DNA incorporated into their cells are called:
A) Clonal plants           C) Biotech plants
B) Transgenic plants          D) Tissue cultured plants

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