Bio set 17

Q.6  An enzyme and substrate reacts through a special feature or site present in enzyme:
A) Building Site           C) Catalyst Site
B) Active Site            D) Inhibition Site
Q.7  The non-protein part of enzyme which is covalently and permanently bonded is called
A) Prosthetic Group           C) Co-Enzyme
B) Co-Factor            D) Activator
Q.8  One of the pyrimidine bases is absent in DNA
A) Uracil             C) Cytosine
B) Thymine             D) Adenine
Q.9  Enzymes increase the rate of reaction by
A) Increasing Temperature         C) Decreasing Activation Energy
B) Decreasing pH           D) Increasing Activation Energy
Q.10   Carbohydrates are organic molecules and contain three elements
A) Carbon, water and oxygen        C) Carbon, calcium and hydrogen
B) Carbon, Sulphur and hydrogen       D) Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
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