Bio set 12

Q.41  During  maternal  mitosis,  non-disjunction  of  autosomal  chromosome  pair  results  in  the
formation of an egg having 24 chromosomes in:
A) Klinefelter’s Syndrome        C) Turner’s Syndrome
B) Down’s Syndrome         D) Jacob’s Syndrome
Q.42  Typical symptoms like enlarged breasts and small testis in male are attributed to:
A) Down’s Syndrome         C) Klinefelter’s Syndrome
B) Turner’s Syndrome        D) Phenylketonuria
Q.43  Fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane states that protein molecules float in a fluid _____
A) Galactose           C) Glucose
B) Phospholipids          D) Carbohydrate
Q.44  How many triplets of microtubules are present in centriole?
A) Ten            C) Nine
B) Eight            D) Seven
Q.45  Turner’s syndrome is characterized by having:
A) Trisomy 21          C) Trisomy 18
B) 44 + XXY           D) 44 + XO

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