Practice Test: Question Set - 08
1. The scale of a tilted photograph of focal length f, taken from an altitude H, along the plate parallel through plumb point, is
- (A) f/Hsec θ
- (B) f secθ/H
- (C) f/H
- (D) f/Hcos ½θ
2. G.M.T. corresponding to given mean time, equals
- (A) L.M.T. - East longitude in time
- (B) L.M.T. + East longitude in time
- (C) L.M.T. - West longitude in time
- (D) None of these
3. The scale of the photography taken from a height of 300 m, with a camera of focal length 15 cm, is
- (A) 1 : 10,000
- (B) 1 : 15,000
- (C) 1 : 20,000
- (D) 1 : 30,000
4. Rotation of the camera at exposure about horizontal axis normal to the line of flight, is known as
- (A) Swing
- (B) Tilt
- (C) Tip
- (D) None of these
5. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
- (A) The angle between the plane of the negative and the horizontal plane containing perspective axis is the tilt of the photograph
- (B) The direction of maximum tilt is defined by the photo principal line
- (C) The principal plane is truly vertical plane which contains perspective centre as well as principal point and plumb point
- (D) All the above
6. In observations of equal precision, the most probable values of the observed quantities are those that render the sum of the squares of the residual errors a minimum, is the fundamental principle of
- (A) Gauss' Mid Latitude formula
- (B) D'Alembert's method
- (C) Legendre's method
- (D) Least square method
7. The station which is selected close to the main triangulation station, to avoid intervening obstruction, is not known as
- (A) Satellite station
- (B) Eccentric station
- (C) False station
- (D) Pivot station
8. A plate parallel is the line on the plane of the negative
- (A) Parallel to the principal line
- (B) Perpendicular to the principal line
- (C) Along the bisector of the angle between the principal line and a perpendicular line through principal plane
- (D) None of these
9. The shortest distance between two places measured along the surface of the earth, is
- (A) Length of the equator between their longitudes
- (B) Length of the parallel between their longitudes
- (C) Length of the arc of the great circle passing through them
- (D) None of these
10. The angular distance of a heavenly body from the equator, measured along its meridian, is called
- (A) Declination
- (B) Altitude
- (C) Zenith distance
- (D) Co-latitude
11. Pick up the correct statement from the following. The difference between the longitudes of the places is obtained.
- (A) By subtracting their longitudes if places are in the same hemisphere
- (B) By adding their longitudes if places are in the different hemispheres
- (C) By subtracting the sum of their longitudes exceeding 180° from 360° if places are in different hemispheres
- (D) All the above
12. The prime vertical passes through
- (A) The east point of the horizon
- (B) The west point of the horizon
- (C) The zenith point of the observer
- (D) All the above
13. If 16 flight lines are run perpendicular to an area 30 km wide, their spacings on a photographical map on scale 1 : 50,000 , will be
- (A) 1 cm
- (B) 2 cm
- (C) 3 cm
- (D) 4 cm
14. The length of a parallel of λ latitude between two meridians is equal to difference in longitudes multiplied by
- (A) sin λ
- (B) cos λ
- (C) tan λ
- (D) cot λ
15. For adjusting a quadrilateral whose both the diagonals are observed, the equations of conditions involved, are
- (A) Two angle equations and two side equations
- (B) One angle equation and three side equations
- (C) Three angle equations and one side equation
- (D) None of these