Advanced Surveying MCQ Practice Test - Set 03

Practice Test: Question Set - 03

1. If ‘δ’ is the declination of the Polaris and ‘λ’ is the latitude of the place, the azimuth of the Polaris, is
    (A) cos δ/cos λ
    (B) cos (90° - δ)/cos (90° - λ)
    (C) sin (90° - δ)/sin (90° - λ)
    (D) tan (90° + δ)/tan (90° + λ)

2. The relief displacement of a building 72 m high on photograph is 7.2 mm and its top appears 10 cm away from principal point. The flying height of the camera, is
    (A) 500 m
    (B) 1000 m
    (C) 1500 m
    (D) 2000 m

3. 23 cm × 23 cm photographs are taken from a flying height with a camera of focal length of 3600 m and 15.23 cm respectively. A parallax difference of 0.01 mm represents
    (A) 1 m
    (B) 2 m
    (C) 4 m
    (D) 8 m

4. The most convenient co-ordinate system for specifying the relative positions of heavenly bodies on the celestial sphere, is
    (A) Altitude and azimuth system
    (B) Declination and hour angle system
    (C) Declination and right ascension system
    (D) Declination and altitude system

5. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
    (A) The star's movement is apparent due to the actual steady rotation of the earth about its axis
    (B) The stars move round in circular concentrated parts
    (C) The centre of the circular paths of stars is the celestial pole
    (D) All the above

6. International Date Line is located along
    (A) Standard meridian
    (B) Greenwich meridian
    (C) Equator
    (D) 180° longitude

7. Homologous points are
    (A) Opposite corners of a photograph
    (B) Nodal points of the camera lens
    (C) Corresponding points on the ground and photograph
    (D) Plumb points of stereo pair of photographs

8. The point on the celestial sphere vertically below the observer's position, is called
    (A) Zenith
    (B) Celestial point
    (C) Nadir
    (D) Pole

9. If α is the observed altitude, the refraction correction in seconds, is
    (A) 58" cot α
    (B) 58" tan α
    (C) 58 sin α
    (D) 58 cos α

10. Polaris is usually observed for the determination of the azimuth when it is
    (A) At culmination
    (B) At elongation
    (C) Neither at culmination nor at elongation
    (D) Either at culmination or at elongation

11. The station pointer is generally used in
    (A) Triangulation surveying
    (B) Astronomical surveying
    (C) Hydrographical surveying
    (D) Photogrammetric surveying

12. While making astronomical observations, the observer is mainly concerned with
    (A) The direction of the vertical, the axis of rotation of the instrument
    (B) The direction of the poles of the celestial sphere
    (C) The direction of the star from the instrument
    (D) All the above

13. Right ascension of a heavenly body is its equatorial angular distance measured
    (A) Westward from the first point of Libra
    (B) Eastward from the first point of Aeries
    (C) Westward from the first point of Aeries
    (D) Eastward from the first point of Libra

14. The correction applied to the measured base of length ‘L’ is
    (A) Tension = (P - Ps)L/AE
    (B) Sag = L3w²/24P² where w is the weight of tape/m
    (C) Slope = (h²/2L) + (h4/8L3) where h is height difference of end supports
    (D) All the above

15. Pick up the in-correct statement from the following:
    (A) Apparent solar time is measured from the lower transit of the true sun
    (B) Mean solar time is measured from the lower transit of the mean sun
    (C) Sidereal time is measured from the lower transit of the first point of Aries
    (D) Sidereal time is measured from the upper transit of the first point of Aries

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