
Water Supply Engineering Practice Test - Set 01

Practice Test: Question Set - 01

1. When the reduced level of the water source is higher than the reduced level of the consumer's place, water is generally supplied
    (A) By pumping system
    (B) By gravitational system
    (C) Both (a) and (b)
    (D) All the above

2. Surcharge storage zone of a reservoir, is
    (A) Below dead storage
    (B) Between dead storage and useful storage
    (C) Above useful storage
    (D) Also known as valley storage

3. In pressure supply mains, water hammer pressure is reduced by providing
    (A) Sluice valves
    (B) Air valves
    (C) Pressure relief valves
    (D) None of these

4. Specific capacity or yield of wells, is generally expressed, as
    (A) m3 per sec
    (B) m3/hour
    (C) m3/hour/m2
    (D) m3/hour/m2/m

5. To pump water from a water reservoir 3 m deep and maximum water level at 135 m, a pump is installed to lift water up to R.L. 175 m at a constant rate of 36,00,000 litres per hour. If the length of the pipe is 1506 m and f = 0.01, ignoring other minor losses and assuming the economical diameter from Lea's formula D = 1.2 √Q, the water horse power of the pump is
    (A) 400
    (B) 450
    (C) 500
    (D) 600

6. Turbidity of raw water is a measure of
    (A) Suspended solids
    (B) Acidity of water
    (C) B.O.D.
    (D) None of these

7. If the chosen diameter of a pipe, is less than the economical diameter
    (A) Cost of pipe will be less
    (B) Head loss will be high
    (C) Cost of pumping will be more than saving
    (D) All the above

8. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
    (A) The water level in a still well, represents the ground water table level
    (B) The difference between water table level and the water level in a well after pumping, is called depression head
    (C) The surface of water table surrounding a well during pumping, forms a cone of depression
    (D) All the above

9. The expected discharge to be obtained from an open well sunk in coarse sand is 0.0059 cumec. If the working depression head of the well is 3 m, the minimum diameter of the well, is
    (A) 2 m
    (B) 2.25 m
    (C) 2.50 m
    (D) 3.00 m

10. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
    (A) Water with hardness up to 75 ppm is considered soft
    (B) Water with hardness more than 200 ppm is considered hard
    (C) Water needed for laundries should contain hardness less than 75 ppm
    (D) All the above

11. In centrifugal pump installation,
    (A) Pump is properly primed before starting
    (B) The diameter of the pipe at inlet as well as at outlet, is kept smaller than the delivery pipe
    (C) The motor may burn out if it is started with empty delivery pipe and with open gate valve
    (D) All the above

12. While determining the yield of open wells by the pumping test
    (A) Velocity of recharging water, increases with depression head
    (B) Depression head resulting at critical velocity, is called critical depression head
    (C) Working head is generally limited to ⅓rd of the critical depression head
    (D) Maximum safe yield of an open well, is expected at critical depression head

13. The process of passing water through beds of granular materials, is called
    (A) Screening
    (B) Sedimentation
    (C) Filtration
    (D) None of these

14. For the prediction of future population of a city, the factor to be considered, is
    (A) Births
    (B) Deaths
    (C) Migrants
    (D) All the above

15. Mathamoglobinemia or blue baby disease is caused due to
    (A) Chlorides
    (B) Nitrites
    (C) Nitrates
    (D) Sulphides

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